1. I've owned some Remingtons that needed polishing at the bottom of the receiver where the mag follower pushes the cartridge up to catch the bolt when going into battery. It causes linear scratches on the brass where there are sharp corners on receiver. The chatter marks on the bullet may be a polishing job also needed on the feed ramp in the breech. Simple fix on either.
2. If your bolt closes hard on new brass cartridges, I would have the chamber borescoped then inspect headspace by your gunsmith.
3. Remington has had extractor issues (breaking). I replaced mine with an M16 style. Look at your bolt face/extractor for debris and cracked extractor/loose or raised rivet interfering with cartridge head. Either could try to misalign the cartridge going into the chamber and feel "tight".
4. Send your spent cases to the gunsmith or new ammo if gunsmith wants it, along with rifle. He might want it for headspace inspection on the brass at shoulder to belt, and spent cartridge length.
5. If you have many rounds down range, build up of carbon in the chamber ahead of the cartridge neck, can be disastrous. Let the smith check yours out, as is, don't clean just yet. My son in law almost blew up his .243 because of lack of cleaning. (Im still ****ed.)
Let us know what you find....