Scope mounting problem


Sep 9, 2009
Just received my new SAKO A7 in a 300WSM. Came with mounts, rings & Burris scope. When I went to level the mounts prior to leveling the scope, I found the mounts were not level compared to each other.
How do you determine which of the mounts is closest to being level to the receiver? Once that is determined, what is the best way of leveling the second mount? Shim or sandl the mount?
You need to better explain "level to the receiver" . A pic would help. Are these two piece bases or one? I assume the base holes are drilled properly in the receiver. If not, you need to call Berreta at once. Sometimes two pieces bases particularly do not fit tight and flush on the receiver, but nevertheless will line the rings up properly. Another suggestion, buy new bases and see how they line up. Those are not expensive.
I wouldn't even think about trying to machine the base to the receiver. I'd buy a new one piece base and install that.
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