I was scammed about a year ago, it still burns me to think about it. These people have Zero morals. He continued to stay in touch with me, i had a physical address, name, ect. Contacted the local county sheriffs office, they went out, interviewed the guy at the address the MO was sent to. He said, he'd never heard of me, denied ever getting the MO. I was able to chase the MO down to the bank, even the teller who took the MO and put it in a account. I came to the conclusion the guy at the address was probably a ''money mule''. His job was to recieve the Mo's and deposit them in an account. Then, i'm guessing he got a percentage.
I contacted the ATF, State attorney gen, post office, postal inspector, you name it, i contacted them. It did absolutly no good. If i had it to do all over again, i'd report the MO stolen, that way you might be able to get some of your money back. I was out 750.00 and right up to the time i put the MO in the mail i had this little voice telling me, ''Its a scam, don't send this guy any money". But, it was too good of a deal to pass up, it was my fault for not listning to my gut feeling. Lesson learned.