Savage barrel headspace


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2014
Central Missouri
Ok, I recently spun on a takeoff 243 Win barrel onto my savage striker. It is a brand new never fired takeoff. I used forester headspace gauges to set head space. So, the writing on the barrel doesn't line up, its about a 1/4 turn tighter than the factory setting. I find that the headspace gauge works just fine, but even when I do a FLS the round is still hard to chamber. Should I reset headspace per writing on the barrel or run it tight per the headspace go gauge? FLS done with Lee Dies.
spin it on till it hits the go gauge and then back off about 1/8 or 1/4 turn. You don't want it tight on the go gauge. Do you have a no go gauge?
no, no go gauge. Basically just spun it snug on the go so that it would close with the slightest resistance with the gauge, as if chambering a normal round. So you're saying just go ahead and line up the savage factory stamping as it would have been on its original rifle? I'll try that and watch the brass close. It's for hunting, so ease of operation is paramount, and If looser is smoother, than so be it.
yup. trust me savage knew what they were doing when they put it together. Their headspace might be a little on the loose side but nothing out of the ordinary.
You can set Savage headspace on a fired case from that rifle. Make a no go guage by pasting a very small sticky dot to the base of go guage.
Put two thicknesses of scotch tape on the back of your GO gauge and screw the barrel up tight and this will give you what you want. I know people that don't even use a gauge. They take a full length sized case and place two thicknesses scotch tape on the back of it and screw the barrel up tight. It works for them.
I have tired using a fired case and as is screwed the barrel in the case seemed to squish and was very hard to feel a solid stop. Using the go gauge you can feel it hit the case solidly.
Put two thicknesses of scotch tape on the back of your GO gauge and screw the barrel up tight and this will give you what you want. I know people that don't even use a gauge. They take a full length sized case and place two thicknesses scotch tape on the back of it and screw the barrel up tight. It works for them.

Yep, +1
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