Savage 110 storm 6.5-284 long or short action?

Not a lot of rifle options out there for 6.5-284 chamberings. I'm probably going to buy this Savage soon unless you guys have additional opinions?

I don't have my heart set on this Savage though. Any additional manufactures I should be looking at? Seems like slim pickings...

I'd like to stick with the 6.5-284 since I already have Lapua brass and reloading dies. But I might be talked into something else.

Thoughts? Thank you.
Not a lot of rifle options out there for 6.5-284 chamberings. I'm probably going to buy this Savage soon unless you guys have additional opinions?

I don't have my heart set on this Savage though. Any additional manufactures I should be looking at? Seems like slim pickings...

I'd like to stick with the 6.5-284 since I already have Lapua brass and reloading dies. But I might be talked into something else.

Thoughts? Thank you.

You should look at the 6.5 Creedmoor. It shoot flatter, faster and hits harder than all the other 6.5 offerings available. I have a .260 rem that I built on a savage, and according to one fellow I talked to, it's no comparison to the 6.6 creed
You should look at the 6.5 Creedmoor. It shoot flatter, faster and hits harder than all the other 6.5 offerings available. I have a .260 rem that I built on a savage, and according to one fellow I talked to, it's no comparison to the 6.6 creed
This has to be a joke. Please tell me this is a joke!
You should look at the 6.5 Creedmoor. It shoot flatter, faster and hits harder than all the other 6.5 offerings available. I have a .260 rem that I built on a savage, and according to one fellow I talked to, it's no comparison to the 6.6 creed

Of course it's a joke. Have you seen a 6.5 of any flavor post where someone doesn't make a 6.5 creedmoor joke?

Oh, I understand it's a joke. Still gets a "SMH" from me. It's just the lowest of the low hanging fruit.

Maybe I'm just turning into one of those cranky "get off my lawn!" guys, but the same joke, over and over, ceases to be funny pretty quickly.
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Not a lot of rifle options out there for 6.5-284 chamberings. I'm probably going to buy this Savage soon unless you guys have additional opinions?

I don't have my heart set on this Savage though. Any additional manufactures I should be looking at? Seems like slim pickings...

I'd like to stick with the 6.5-284 since I already have Lapua brass and reloading dies. But I might be talked into something else.

Thoughts? Thank you.
You could always buy a Remington, Savage, or maybe Bighorn long action and put a barrel on yourself. It is what I would do. NorthlandShooterSupply has a good inventory of factory new actions. they also sell barrels from Criterion and Shilen. This way you can get closer to what you really want without paying for a custom build.
You could always buy a Remington, Savage, or maybe Bighorn long action and put a barrel on yourself. It is what I would do. NorthlandShooterSupply has a good inventory of factory new actions. they also sell barrels from Criterion and Shilen. This way you can get closer to what you really want without paying for a custom build.
You could also have the muzzle threaded, barrel duracoated and send in dummy rounds for your chamber. In the end it's not that much more money either. I agree with this suggestion.
Not a lot of rifle options out there for 6.5-284 chamberings. I'm probably going to buy this Savage soon unless you guys have additional opinions?

I don't have my heart set on this Savage though. Any additional manufactures I should be looking at? Seems like slim pickings...

I'd like to stick with the 6.5-284 since I already have Lapua brass and reloading dies. But I might be talked into something else.

Thoughts? Thank you.
If you're set on a 6.5X284 Norma, it should be in at least a 24" barrel?! I put an EABCO 26" Accurate on a Savage LA and it does fine at 2950fps with 140 bullets.
Yesterday I was testing some 140 ELDM in a 26" 6.5 Creedmoor 10FP and best group and velocity was average 2873 fps. And that's normal for this rifle, no matter the brass. With the Creedmoor performance, at less powder, I don't much shoot the 6.5X284N much for a 125 fps avg advantage.
You should look at the 6.5 Creedmoor. It shoot flatter, faster and hits harder than all the other 6.5 offerings available. I have a .260 rem that I built on a savage, and according to one fellow I talked to, it's no comparison to the 6.6 creed
Go look at ballistics tables for ammunition... rather than relying on people, not facts. All data hereafter is commercial loaded ammunition 140 grain bullet.
6.5 creedmoor 2650fps
6.5x284 2750 fps
6.5x55 2650fps
260 Rem 2735fps
264 Winchester Magnum 3000fps
All the Savage 6.5x284's are built on a long action. Good choice!! My Savage 6.5x284 is exceptionally accurate and reliable. I know of a few others owned by buddies that perform as well.
Two different loads at 200 and 500 yards.
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