Savage 110 storm 6.5-284 long or short action?

I almost bought a third 12FV just for the action. But the darn things shoot so good. I knew I wouldn't build it. I just restock them and shoot the heck out of them. My 6.5 shoots lights out, but it's heavy as heck.
I figured the 204 wouldn't last but it's under a 1/2, right at 1/3 MOA with factory loads. Can't bring myself to rebarrel it
I've emailed Savage support a couple times and haven't heard back. I love the 6.5-284 cartridge and already have 1 rifle chambered in it. I'm thinking about picking up the Savage 6.5-284 110 Storm, but I am not interested in the rifle if it is built on a short action. It's impossible to tell from Savage's website.

Any insights? Thank you!
I think it's long action, I'm also looking at the savage 110 in 6.5-284 norma. I just can't decide between the 110 storm and 110 long range hunter. Can anyone tell me which would be better.
The thing that turns me away from savage is the triggers.
I respring them and make them better. But I now found the rifle basic sav2 and I'm hooked....
Are the Accufit stocks just marketing or are they worth keeping on the rifle?

If I needed to change out the stock anyways, I might buy an action and a barrel from NSS. Thanks!
I love my accustocks. The full bed version shoot great for me....I have about 10 now.
The evolution of my Savage 110 LRH in 6.5x284….10 years later..

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