SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

Roll-Yur-Own, if you think Obama is more moderate than Hilliary Clinton, then you must really feel inadequate whenever you're around people "with the IQ of a peanut". Get real....obviously you're definition of a moderate is what most people refer to as a flaming socialist.

Phorwath, I would agree that Sarah Palin does not have the vast experience that McCain or Biden have, but at least she's not tainted with the morals of the typical beltway crowd. Comparing her experience with Obama's - a "community organizer" and rookie senator who's favorite vote is "present", sorry but I'd have to say he falls short in the experience department.
Who should McCain have picked for a running mate? Is there a reason you expect me to know? There's lots of reasons for me to expect McCain to know who and who not to have picked. He's been in political office forever. I can't think of a lot of reasons why I should know. So are you questioning my wisdom and opinion on Sarah by suggesting I should know the top political choices for McCain's running mate? I'll admit what I do know and what I don't. Sarah Palin? She's one of the few politicians I do have some knowledge of, having lived in Alaska for the past 30 years. With that knowledge, I have a pretty good feel for her background and experience - better than most US residents would from any of the other states in the Union. Based on that knowledge, I have some basis to conclude and state that it's a no-brainer to see the flaw with her selection. She has no experience on the national level, and little knowledge of national or international affairs. How could she have? Her domain is Alaska. A state with a total population of ~660,000. Alaska's a great place to live if you like to fish and hunt, but it doesn't mean we pump out wonder women, or are even located geographically in a location that's a favorable training ground for Presidential or Vice-Presidential material.

A moderate republican would best represent my interests. One that wouldn't have wasted US lives, resources, and money in Iraq to settle a personal tiff with Saddam.

I think McCain could do alright. Don't really have any concerns about his judgement or committment on protecting the country, or that he'll come to take our guns away from us. But I think the Bush legacy has almost certainly assured his defeat. Anyone Bush associated is tainted in this election. In that sense McCain is about as good as we could do for a Republican candidate.

Powell would have won if he'd run before Bush helped destroy his credibility and reputation with the coerced Powell presentation before the UN Security Council; all aimed to secure the authority Bush desired to fight his war in Iraq.

I'll say this. McCain should have picked someone with enough experience to assume the Presidency if he were to die. He is in his 70s, right? The last poll results I saw showed 6 out of 10 people have serious concerns about Sarah's lack of experience to fill the role of President if McCain dies. After they watch the Katie Couric interviews, that number will increase. Can you blame them. It takes more than being a "Hockey Mom" to meet the minimum qualifications to be the leader of the mightiest country on the planet in my opinion.

So I didn't answer your question. I know about Sarah. Not all the other republican politicians in the rest of the country. But just about any Republican Governor from any of the 48 states would have been vastly more experienced on national affairs than the 1 1/2 year experienced Governor from Alaska.
Slymule, It pretty hard to not be more moderate than Hillary clinton. Obama is a flaming socialist? Gimme a break.

McCain's problem is that his advisors are morons. He needs to come clean and say that Bush lied about WMD's in Iraq, but since we are there and took out the former power we need to finish the job. Instead he doesnt denouce Bush. He never says that we were wrong for going into Iraq in the first place. The fact is that most democrats also voted to go into Iraq so he wouldn't be alone in admitting it was wrong.

And please don't flame me for these comments. I support our troops 100% and believe we need to finish the job in Iraq to avoid it just becoming part of Iran and Syria. But, the fact remains that Bush lied, there were no WMD's and we got duped. And, many of the troops that we all support died.

Obama is right that we should have finished the Job in Afganastan and taken care of Bin Laden before going into Iraq.

Fact is, I had my guns under Bill Clinton. The Assault rifle ban didn't really have any effect on me. Can anyone here tell me how the assault weapons ban affected them?

I paid 93 cents a gallon for gas under Clinton. I guess if you elect an oil man to the white house you get high oil prices.

I just keep an open mind on all the issues and sometimes my views are conservative and sometimes liberal and sometimes none of the above.

It really ****es me off when liberals call conservatives facists and conservatives call liberals communists. Thankfully we live in america and have neither in power. Just crooked polititions on both sides of the aisle. Why else would someone spend $100 Million for a $220k per year job?

By the way, republicans weren't around until Lincoln's era. What was the party of our founding fathers?

In the words of Pete Townsend "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Roll-Yur-Own, you can't be serious. You're right, it would be DAMNED hard to be further left than Hilliary, but I'm not alone, a whole lot of others think Obama's got her beat. He ranks right up there with Pelosi, Feinstein, & Kennedy, there's no difference. He is a flaming Socialist. Have you read that by 2012 he wants to give 7% of our GDP to the UN? Thats over 800 Billion a year. Yeah, he's really looking out for the best interest of his fellow Americans. If thats not Socialism, I don't know what is.
Slymule, I clearly said I'm a McCain man. But, I'm never going to ever say that ANYONE is more left than Hillary. I do think that McCain has a terrible running mate and real bad advisors. I would have chosen Mike Huckaby. Conservative and very personable. He was on Saturday Night Live and was a hit. How many conservatives could do that? It would have been a great choice.

Bush is the worst president I ever remember. If the democrats win, blame Bush.
No doubt Bush has been a HUGE disappointment to alot of us. From the very beginning he's been bending over and kissing butt to the liberals. I would rather of seen Huckaby running as POTUS than McCain, he's leaned to far to the left to suit me on many occassions. But I really feel Sarah Palin will bring back the Republican party to where it once was - conservative. In my opinion its not Republicans and Democrats anymore, its conservatives VS. liberals. If we keep going down this same road, leading further left with every election, we're going to destroy this country and it won't be fit to live in. Something drastic has to happen, and I could be totally wrong, but I really think that Sarah Palin can and will reunite the Republican party to what it once was. I think she's a quick study, hopefully she'll blow away Biden in the Vice Presidential debate. If she blows the Vice Presidential debate like Phorwath says, well we might as well kiss the election goodbye because it will be a landslide for Obama. We're so close to financially going under right now with this 700 Billion dollar bailout, if it gets passed and God forbid Obama gets elected, then everybody better be prepared for the next Great Depression because it will be right around the corner.
Phorwath, I wasn't questioning your wisdom in a critical manner. I was looking for an opinion. Everyone has a different view. light bulb

This is the 2nd Presidential Election in a row where I feel that voting either way, I'm wrong!:confused:

I don't trust Obama. I respect McCain as a warrior and a veteran. I'm not sure how to feel about Biden or Palin.
Not that my vote really matters anyway. I live in Idaho.

So, you did answer my question. Thank you! You are in the same boat as myself and a lot of others.

I think we are already screwed! :mad:

I lost many friends on 9/11! I think what is to come will make that day look like nothing in comparison.:mad:

Who is in charge will have a direct effect on the events to come. Not to mention the hornet's nest in Iraq now. :mad:
The financial mess stems from greed and corruption. Greedy banks made these exotic loans and Wall St. packaged and sold them. I'm not too excited about either candidate. I also not an ultra conservative as I feel that it is impossible to think freely and be dedicated to one party or another. I do think that Trickle down econimics works and Ronald Regan was the best president we ever had.

I'm hoping McCain wins. But, Palin will get destroyed in the Debate and Obama will win in a landslide. Lets not kid ourselves. McCains only, and distant, hope will be to fire his top advisors and get a new running mate.
Biden should do better in the debates, but he may debate against himself & lose. For example, this week he said one must know what he is talking about & then went on to say you should do like FDR did during the depression, get on TV & tell the American people what we should do. But since 1. FDR wasn't President & 2. We did not have TV yet, this was stupid beyond belief. If my kids said something like that, they would be grounded for awhile!!! The Conservatives cannot vote for Obama & the Libs will not vote for McCain, but some folks in the middle will make a decision based on the debates. I look at the core values & history of the candidates & the past of Obama & Biden tell all you need to know about what will happen with our guns.

Find it here: NSSF | 2008 Voter Registration

and here:

If a person listens to what polititians say & not what they have done, then you deserve them. One stated that they weren't affected much by the ***. rifle ban, well no kidding.
1. It was killed at sunset & 2. It was a prelude to BradyII which Gore was to kick off, but Gore did not get elected. For those who actually studied Brady II, it would have affected all of us, it scares me when I see "gunners" that either forgot or did not know this. Any legislation is a step to further legislation.

As far as the gas being higher, look how much it has gone up during the last 2 years of Socialist Demoncrap rule in Congress. Does that mean I blame Dems. only, not at all. Rep.
& Dems are to blame & Bush as well, but if the Dems were clean, do you not think with as much as they hate the GOP they would not tell us how the prices occured, who is at fault & how & what they will do about it. No, the only chance for the fuel to go down is for a few
real Conservatives that are left (handful of Rep & 0 Dems) to work with McCain/Palin & make it happen by drilling & starting new Nuc. Power Plants NOW. The radical left wing of the Dem party which Obama is a part of want the fuel to be high so that we will drive less to please the greenies.
How come Bush didn't advocate off shore drilling like McCain did? Isn't he a "real" conservative? Why did price go so high on his watch?

Gee, he is a Texas Oilman, and his him and his father are buddies with the Saudies.

How come no one points out that Bush is buddies with the Arabs? What is the nmae of that Saudi family they are close to? hmmmmm???

Oh Yea! Its the Bin Laden family!

You arch conservatives are as bad as the arch liberals.
How come Bush didn't advocate off shore drilling like McCain did? Isn't he a "real" conservative? Why did price go so high on his watch?

Gee, he is a Texas Oilman, and his him and his father are buddies with the Saudies.

How come no one points out that Bush is buddies with the Arabs? What is the nmae of that Saudi family they are close to? hmmmmm???

Oh Yea! Its the Bin Laden family!

You arch conservatives are as bad as the arch liberals.

His record proves he is not a Conservative, where have you been? And again, the Dems could tell the folks all about it, so why not, hmmm? Looks like Bush and the Dems are clowns. like I said. It is the act of a moron to just blame Bush, or just the Socialist Demoncraps.
what gets me is everyone has forgotten the house is controled by the dems!!!!as far as the war goes 4000 deaths is the lowest in any war ever in history we have more people die from cancer in the us each year then have been lost in this war !!! how many more towers need to come down I hope and pray it never happens agin!! I want a pres that will not forget and keep our soil safe!!
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