SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

Elkguys, a simple yes or no question.

Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11?

My answer is no, what is yours?

Only 4000 people killed in Iraq? That 1000 more than 9/11!!!!

The dem have had congressional control for 2 years Bush has been in office for 8.

Bush is not a conservative??? You're kidding me right?

But please, how about a game?

The next person who responds to this thread answer the question of whether or not Iraq had anything to do with 9/11?

Not one person has answered yet.
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I'll answer---Yes, Iraq had something to do with 9/11. Perhaps indirectly, but nevertheless, SOMETHING.

Iraq has been a harborer of terrorists since at least the time that Saddam came to power. The terrorists knew that. They knew that Saddam had never been attacked for his having harbored terrorists, that led them to believe that Afghanistan would not be attacked if it also harbored terrorists--they miscalculated. Thus emboldened, they decided upon a course of action that has led us to where we are.

NOT attacking terrorists when given the opportunity got us to 9/11. Bill Clinton had at least 2 known opportunities to take out Bin Laden and didn't do it. Thus 9/11 happened.

Anyone who believes the world is not a better place without Saddam Hussein, please stand up!!
Not only did Bill Clinton have 2 opportunities to take out Bin Laden & decided it was a "legal matter", he also did NOTHING about the USS COLE & the World Trade Center Bombing which proved to the Muslims that they did not have to worry about us which led to 911.

Also, no need for people to play dumb about who has been against drilling & building any
new refineries. When Bill Clinton put a stop to the drilling bill in 1996 he said it won't affect us for 10 years anyhow. Well, here we are 12 years later, hmmm.
having been to Iraq and seeing the mass graves frist hand!!! your DAM right they had a part in the towers!!! it was money from Iraq that help pay for the training you have no idea what we have found over there !! if only the news told/showed half of what goes on there you be amazed!! I still have family and friends over there and lost two family members in the towers.
I'll answer---Yes, Iraq had something to do with 9/11. Perhaps indirectly, but nevertheless, SOMETHING.

Iraq has been a harborer of terrorists since at least the time that Saddam came to power. The terrorists knew that. They knew that Saddam had never been attacked for his having harbored terrorists, that led them to believe that Afghanistan would not be attacked if it also harbored terrorists--they miscalculated. Thus emboldened, they decided upon a course of action that has led us to where we are.

NOT attacking terrorists when given the opportunity got us to 9/11. Bill Clinton had at least 2 known opportunities to take out Bin Laden and didn't do it. Thus 9/11 happened.

Anyone who believes the world is not a better place without Saddam Hussein, please stand up!!

Thanks for answering. The world would be a better place without a lot of dictators but we don't attack them. Another fact is that taking out a dictator like Sadam can open the door for far worse leaders.

Ok, even though most people in Washington admit that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, let say you are right. At least you do say "indirectly". Well then that would put a lot of others in that boat like Iran, Syria, Palestinians, etc. Should we invade all those countries? Fact is that Iran supported Bin Laden way more than Iraq.

I'm sure EVERYBODY agrees that Bin Laden is the #1 guy responsible for 9/11. So, why did bush send 10 times the number of troops into Iraq than Afghanastan?

So, for my next question....

Why did we go after Sadam instead of Bin Laden?

Please answer.

Slymule, would you like to answer any of the questions?
having been to Iraq and seeing the mass graves frist hand!!! your DAM right they had a part in the towers!!! it was money from Iraq that help pay for the training you have no idea what we have found over there !! if only the news told/showed half of what goes on there you be amazed!! I still have family and friends over there and lost two family members in the towers.

What do the mass graves have to do with the Towers? Nothing.

They found nothing in Iraq. No WMD's and no ties to Bin Ladin. If they did Bush would have made sure the news got out. I know about the liberal media (I agree 100% they are a disgrace) but there is still Fox News and other conservative media.

With that said....

I do want you to know that I truly do appreciate your and your family's service. And, I'm sorry for your loss in the towers.
Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11?

My answer is no, what is yours?

Same as yours. Iraq didn't have any part in the 9/11 attack. If they had, the Bush Administration would have broadcast their evidence. That was one of the lies they told to get the Iraq war started in the first place. And after we attacked and took control of the country, where were the weapons of mass destruction? Not a sliver of evidence of an Iraq / Saddam connection to the 9/11 attacks. You're really brainwashed if you think the Bush Administration has any evidence that Iraq / Saddam participated in any way in the 9/11 attacks, yet wouldn't have presented that evidence. And Bush doesn't need the press to do that for him. They effectively blanketed the airwaves in order to mislead and boost support for the war. All a distortion of the facts. They could have done the same to present any evidence if they had any.

Our servicemen that have lost their lives in Iraq. They count the same as those lost their lives in the World Trade Center attack. In addition to the lives lost in Iraq, don't forget all the maimed and permenantly crippled troops.

There was no need to attack Iraq. There was every reason to hunt down Bin Laden - to the ends of the earth if necessary. The terrorist had no safe haven in Iraq until we overthrew Saddam. Then we spent 4 years fighting the terrorist infusion into Iraq because Bush didn't send enough troops to secure the country or it's borders. The IQ of a peanut is right. Same goes for Donald Duck.

The Republicans will lose this election because of Bush's war in Iraq. There's no way to justify it now that all the facts are in. Nothing but lies.
Same as yours. Iraq didn't have any part in the 9/11 attack. If they had, the Bush Administration would have broadcast their evidence. That was one of the lies they told to get the Iraq war started in the first place. And after we attacked and took control of the country, where were the weapons of mass destruction? Not a sliver of evidence of an Iraq / Saddam connection to the 9/11 attacks. You're really brainwashed if you think the Bush Administration has any evidence that Iraq / Saddam participated in any way in the 9/11 attacks, yet wouldn't have presented that evidence. And Bush doesn't need the press to do that for him. They effectively blanketed the airwaves in order to mislead and boost support for the war. All a distortion of the facts. They could have done the same to present any evidence if they had any.

Our servicemen that have lost their lives in Iraq. They count the same as those lost their lives in the World Trade Center attack. In addition to the lives lost in Iraq, don't forget all the maimed and permenantly crippled troops.

There was no need to attack Iraq. There was every reason to hunt down Bin Laden - to the ends of the earth if necessary. The terrorist had no safe haven in Iraq until we overthrew Saddam. Then we spent 4 years fighting the terrorist infusion into Iraq because Bush didn't send enough troops to secure the country or it's borders. The IQ of a peanut is right. Same goes for Donald Duck.

The Republicans will lose this election because of Bush's war in Iraq. There's no way to justify it now that all the facts are in. Nothing but lies.

And oh so many Dems signed off on it too, but they forgot. Sadam could have helped as well, but chose not to by not cooperating fully with the UN. Bill Clinton spoke of the threat repeatedly & Hillary after that & was exposed to the same intell, but we already know that don't we?

I am glad that McCain pushed for the surge, in fact he was the first Senator in that regard.
Obama of course was against that & the thought that the surge worked so well seems to make him sick.

I am glad you 2 care about the troops though. My youngest son is in Iraq now. That means alot.

Good Evening
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What do the mass graves have to do with the Towers? Nothing.

They found nothing in Iraq. No WMD's and no ties to Bin Ladin. If they did Bush would have made sure the news got out. I know about the liberal media (I agree 100% they are a disgrace) but there is still Fox News and other conservative media.

With that said....

I do want you to know that I truly do appreciate your and your family's service. And, I'm sorry for your loss in the towers.

Finding nothing and HAVING nothing are not the same thing. Saddam USED WMD's against the Kurds. When he then proclaimed repeatedly that he intended to use them against anyone else who threatened him, everyone had little choice but to believe him.

I'm NOT sure that the present administration would actually act like many say they would, and use anything found to further their political agenda. Having talked with soldiers who served there, a GREAT deal of information has never made it back. Those soldiers said that they were told not to speak with media outlets, but were not told that they couldn't speak to family and friends about what they saw. Some said that there was a great deal of information that was kept VERY quiet, because, unlike the media, the military did not want to give away what they were doing and where they were doing it. After idiots like Geraldo specified WHERE they were, and gave away military information, and after other media idiots gave away information on the best way to attack up-armored troop carriers, and yet other media idiots gave information on the best way to attack US camps and their vulnerabilities, I'm not sure the military actually gave much information at all to anyone that didn't need it for immediate use.

This war needn't have happened, but it isn't for the reasons that some proclaim.

I am glad you 2 care about the troops though. My youngest son is in Iraq now. That means alot.

Good Evening

Of couse I do. I support the troops 100%. And I support McCain for his balls in getting these guys on the right track. I also have friends with kids there.

Just because I think we should not have gone doesn't mean I don't want to win! I'm an independent, not Jane Fonda!

We screwed up by going in, but we do need to finish the job.

I would love Mccain to say just that. Then Obama would have nothing to say.
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saddam was the Wmd's you ask what the mass graveshave to do it was a training on what he could do any where else in the world.but I do thank you for your support on the greatest arm forces in the world!!
Gotta admire McCain for insisting on a win and securing some honor for our troops.

I think we have more or less now won the fight to the extent we can in Iraq. As a result of the surge. It's gonna get old waiting for the Iraqi's to take our win and do something worthwhile with it. We can't stay over there and babysit them forever. It's time for them to take responsibility for their future destiny and security. The scary part about the whole war is that the ultimate outcome in Iraq is truely beyond our control. Remember the recent Palestinian elections. They held a democratic election and elected their head terrorist.

We won't know if Iraq will turn out for the better or the worse for years. Maybe they'll elect, and govern as, extreme Muslims. A fledgling democracy can go either way. For us or against us.
I don't believe this war or any war over god will end. This has been going on in one form or another since the Crusades. First it was over "Holy Land" now oil! We are fighting for oil they are fighting for allah.
Before that it was tribal warfare.

I want to express my gratitude for all of you who have and are sacrificing for our great nation. I hope those you love come home safe and as well as can be hoped. I lost friends on 9/11 and in Iraq. I still have friends from the Corp over there.
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