Russo No Longer Affiliated With Curtis Custom

Joel Russo

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2006
Harrisburg, PA
As of 29 April, I am no longer affiliated with Curtis Custom.

I was unsuccessful in negotiating fair terms and equal compensation regarding my involvement in the company, so I decided to separate.

I apologize to those who were not able to receive product in a timely manner, those issues were due to circumstances beyond my control.
These things happen in business when partners are involved.

Your graceful and professional way of departing is a tribute to you.

I wish no harm on the other partner, but we all know he will miss your talent and what you bring to the table.

Best wishes and continued success in keeping with your standards and integrity.

Joel, your talent speaks for itself, and your character is beyond reproach, I once called you for some stock advise and you were very helpful, as if it was not a inconvenience at all, being only 1.5 hours away I know I will be seeing you for some of your fantastic stock work, good luck in all your future endeavors.
Don't know you, but based on the positive comments above, now want to buy a custom gun just to get on the bandwagon of an apparently skilled artisan. Please let us know when you set up shop and how to contact you regarding business arrangements. Best of luck to you!
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