I confess, I am an old Ruger rifle hater. I've never seen one worth keeping compared to other factory bolt reapeating rifles. I got rid of mine, all but one Remington and now shoot Savages. I used to say, life is to short to shoot a Ruger. I do know that times have changed, Ruger is doing something here they will pan out for some, and will not for others. Time will tell, I personally want to see what it is capable of in the area it was built and intended for. A course of fire, say 10-20 round strings under time getting that barrel smoking hot. If it does well, I may buy one to play with. The intended use is to get novice shooters involved in the sport an affordable cost, and that I am sure it will do. We can all be honest here and agree that the accuracy is there. The question is can it maintain it under demanding courses of fire? If purchased for plinking my money would bet it is a winner.