Curious to know if any of you who have had your RPR for any length of time has issues with the cheek riser sliding forward as you are shooting? I've locked the cheek riser tab solid and the cheek riser will slide as I'm shooting but the height remains locked solid, I can't manually move the riser foreward or backwards with my hand and seems to be very solid but yet it will slide whenever I am shooting.
It's a .308 and after 200 rounds that is the only negative I have for the rifle but it is quite annoying and it has done it every time I've shot it.
Make sure that the cam lever is in the up or down position. I believe the cam bolt is scalloped as to not slide and fit on the groves of the bar. Obviously, you have tightened the nut opposite the cam lever to make it tighter?
E.t.a. Don't go too tight because you can crack the metal clips under the cam levers, it takes a lot of force, but i know from experience.
If you do replace you stock i would be interested in buying the ruger take off
They don't move when you have them on right. Take it apart the clamp has to fit in the groves not on top of the groves.
Glad we could help. Sometimes you just have to take things apart just to see how they work. And like me when all else fails read the instructions. That is always the last thing I do lol