Ruger 77 Rebarrel Help

LOL Yea I did not think that one through when I said that. Ok go .338 win mag.... :D

If you really wanted to downsize the bolt, Numrich arms sells factory Ruger bolts (and many factory parts for Rugers), they aren't a cheap date, and....I am not sure about how the feed rails will work with a downsize due to body size of the casing??
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Tim, I have a huge, and maybe prophetic suggestion for you.. turn that ruger 77 into a Winchester cartridge. Rem ripped off the case from a win cartridge. reduce the neck to 6.5/.264" and make a 264 Win Mag. bring back the old cartridge and you will never be sorry you did. less recoil, better slug selection for deer, and it will be more versatile to boot.
Wow! I asked for help and have more and more choices! Lol Many thanks. I have to constantly reel myself back in and remain true to my original desires to keep it simple and looking mostly original. Thanks Alibiiv for sharing your experience and recommendations on a gunsmith and options. I think the short mags are sexy, but likely more modifications than I care to do.
Many thanks to you as well Cody for your willingness to recommend a gunsmith. I'll likely contact both when I return from Kansas. Might be easier talking to one person instead of ALL OF THEM! LOL. Again, many thanks to all for the suggestions as it helps me ask the right questions and narrow my focus. I was starting to consider a 6.5 but think I'd rather go a little bigger. 35 Whelen was intriguing for a bit.
Tim, you should keep it a belted or beltless magnum. you will need a new bolt if you go with a 30-06 headed case. the belted and beltless mags are 0.535" and the standard 30-06 case head measure 0.473". if you want to change cases you have to change bolts or you have to weld up the bolt face and recut and get a new extractor. or you will have to stay with the same case head diameter.
freddiej that's why I went with the 7mm Dakota it was close enough to the rem mag head that I didn't have to do anything to the bolt .
Thanks Freddiej, I agree and that quickly killed any thoughts concerning the Whelen. I have to look up the specs for many of the cartridges suggested because I'm not familiar with them all. But changing bolts or modifying the existing is out of the question.
I think you really need to determine how much you want/willing to change. I kept this one simple and classy in the same chambering. New barrel/stock. It's not a "long range rifle", but at nine lbs, it will get it done.

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If you want something bigger than a 6.5 then have an extended mag box installed and chamber it in 300 win mag. Very simple modification, a mag box and and a barrel.
If you want something bigger than a 6.5 then have an extended mag box installed and chamber it in 300 win mag. Very simple modification, a mag box and and a barrel.
Tim's Ruger is presently a 7RM so I would think his mag is good to go as is other than loading out to the lands. Correct me if I'm wrong. My rifles are all R700s or M-70s.
Tim's Ruger is presently a 7RM so I would think his mag is good to go as is other than loading out to the lands. Correct me if I'm wrong. My rifles are all R700s or M-70s.
A ruger LA has a useable mag box of about 3.400", so a 300 wm with any kind of heavy high bc projectile would not be good to go in a ruger without modification. A 215 seated appropriately in a 300 wm will be around 3.680" or close to that, if I recall correctly. To seat them to fit in a ruger mag, the bearing surface of the 215 is below the neck.
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