Rookie to Wyoming

I had a rancher from Wy. once tell me to wrap milk soaked bread around my finger with some sort of bandage where the little cacti pieces were, then go to sleep and when you wake up and take the wrapping off the cacti would be laying there on the bread.

I did not try this so I have no clue if it actually works or if he was just joking with me. LOL
I just pulled a mess of hair splinters out of my forearm with 3m's 300LSE tape. That stuff adheres!
Most cactus, I see before putting my weight down. I use Carhart brown duck construction overalls with double knees and a sheet of UHMW or similar plastic rolled and stuffed between the layers. As for snakes, when I see or hear them I remember how to ... FLY!
Cactus is part of antelope hunting, so are rattlers. I try to avoid cactus but aways end up with the tweezers. Rattlers are out, no doubt, Ive came nose to nose with them a lot over the years. I do carry bird shot in my 38 snub nose just in case.

The thing is, everything has its distractors. Its part of the game. It wouldnt be much of a game without it challenges. Challenges make the memories n memories make the hunt.

Lots of things are worse then cactus and rattlers, Taking my granddaughter on a hunt and having to eat her 3 inch choc. pancakes, burnt on the outside and raw in the middle is one. But the memories are priceless.
There is a reason I have a large collection of purdy little rocks and old spent cases.
That and my boots are leather with wide soles to help keep the natives out.
Look before you do anything near the ground and have duct tape and a tweezers for the ones you missed.
Well, our trip to Wyoming was a blast. We had a few run ins with the cactus (when I forgot to put on gloves or watched where I put my hands,lol). My dad, brother and myself filled our tags on pronghorn. It was a trip to remember, we hope to go back sometime. Thanks for all the replies, it's definitely a different world out there compared to Missouri.


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Well, our trip to Wyoming was a blast. We had a few run ins with the cactus (when I forgot to put on gloves or watched where I put my hands,lol). My dad, brother and myself filled our tags on pronghorn. It was a trip to remember, we hope to go back sometime. Thanks for all the replies, it's definitely a different world out there compared to Missouri.
Looks like a successful hunt. Congrats to you all.
Antelope tenderloin is the BEST!
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