Cheapest hunt for a rookie

I've hunted pronghorn on the Chico Ranch near Colorado Springs with La Garita Outfitters. They do a great job for what I think is a bargain fee. The animals aren't necessarily trophies, but the hunt, meals and accommodations are! It wax all spot and stalk. One day I figured we hiked 11 miles.
Then at the end of the day while we are sipping the beverage of choice, the guides are preparing a delicious meal.

I'm not rich, but I would definitely hunt with them again. I'm the goofy looking guy in the orange t-shirt.
I've hunted pronghorn on the Chico Ranch near Colorado Springs with La Garita Outfitters. They do a great job for what I think is a bargain fee. The animals aren't necessarily trophies, but the hunt, meals and accommodations are! It wax all spot and stalk. One day I figured we hiked 11 miles.
Then at the end of the day while we are sipping the beverage of choice, the guides are preparing a delicious meal.

I'm not rich, but I would definitely hunt with them again. I'm the goofy looking guy in the orange t-shirt.
La Garita Outfitters | Pronghorn Gallery

If you call $500 a day to kill a little ole antelope a bargain I'd like a loan of a couple thousand so I can do that hunt, LOL! It sounds like you're more into the nightly amenities than the hunt for that much money.
If you call $500 a day to kill a little ole antelope a bargain I'd like a loan of a couple thousand so I can do that hunt, LOL! It sounds like you're more into the nightly amenities than the hunt for that much money.

I will be honest, I've never gone on a guided hunt before. These guys were recommended by a good friend. The price of this hunt compared to any other guided pronghorn hunts we found made this hunt a great deal in comparison. The guides we worked with busted their butts to make sure every one in our party tagged out.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I still think it was a great value and a change of pace from our typical DIY Elk hunts we do in Colorado.
$1500 isn't bad at all for a guided 3-day Colorado antelope hunt with those amenities. That being said, the cheapest hunt for a rookie has to be a DIY doe antelope hunt in Wyoming. At under $50 a tag, plenty of antelope and public land, it can't be beat as a first-experience western hunt.
Too late for 2017, but next year put in for Wyoming Area 7. Lots of critters and good chances for a NR draw.

Tons of public land on the Thunder Basin National Grasslands. Plenty of private land walk in areas also. The last couple mild winters have really increased the herd sizes. Easy hunt, you wont need a guide.

Wife and I hunt that area every year, Its seldom we don't tag out by noon on opening day.
$1500 isn't bad at all for a guided 3-day Colorado antelope hunt with those amenities. That being said, the cheapest hunt for a rookie has to be a DIY doe antelope hunt in Wyoming. At under $50 a tag, plenty of antelope and public land, it can't be beat as a first-experience western hunt.

I go out to Wyoming on DIY hunts all of September and October every year for antelope, deer, and elk and don't spend $1500 for all that time out there, LOL!
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