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Ron Paul

I'm a diehard conservative, and there is no one running that is conservative. I think the Dem's should win, then the country will suffer. That will make the next election stronger for the Rep's. If McCain wins, the Dems will say that the conservatives and Republicans ran the country down. Time to rebuild Republican's, let Obama win and sink for a few years and then we can take the country back with a strong Republican/conservative party, house, senate and President and fix the country again! McCain is not the man, he'll give conservatism a bad name! I hate to vote for a Dem, never have, never will?????Maybe now????? Undecided

Just my outlook on this!
unfortunately the president is not the most important vote in this election. it seems the senate and house will be a democrate magority this time. i can't even imagine the problems we'll have if either HillaBill or Barack gets in with a democrat congress. the other problem with a Dem as president is the supreme court nominee's. the next couple of nominee's can swing this over to judges that will rule on the laws instead of making up whatever they want. how safe do you feel about keeping your guns? what do you think the price of oil will be if we pull the troups and the middle east goes into Talaban rule? how much will we be paying in taxes when the tax cuts are no more and one tax after another gets voted in? Barrack and a Democrat congress will make the Jimmy Carter days look like a picnic!
I agree with Dave Wilson as well. The black days of the brewing storm ahead are getting blacker all the time. The possibilities of what Dave mentioned with the majority of our government being what they might is absolutely horrible to think of. If Billary gets Pennsylvania Avenue, and Feinstein reigns over a liberal Congress, and the sway of the Supreme Court judges are against the 2nd amendment, this here boy will find residence in another country come January. Let's just hope that there will be some balance of power in the days ahead!
I just got to peruse through my American Hunter magazine this evening and there was an interview with McCain by the NRA Vice pres. It was a timely article and well done. However, McCain's responses sounded too much like a politician's correct answers in the given company. In other words, he told Wayne LaPierre exactly what he wanted to hear.

But if even half of what McCain said he truly believes in, he is still a resounding choice for gun owners over his eventual democratic hopeful.

Anyone else read the article? Oh that brings up another thread that needs to be posted......
One most take into account that if we let the Democratic party take the house, Senate and the White House even for one term, the irreversible damage that could occur might be a death blow to our great country. How many government programs do any of you know that have ever been repealed by another congress or White House. I don't know of any.

Any federal judge appointed is appointed for life. That could mean a few generations of legislation from the bench. I don't want to think of what damage that could do to our way of life.

I have never been a registered party member. I have voted for Democrats, Republicans and Libertarians in my adult life. I vote for who I think will do the best job based on the candidates available. I would not have had McCain as my candidate but to many east coast votes got counted for him while the other conservative candidates split the Republican party. He is what we got and is unfortunately what we need to stand behind.

Then we need to put the pressure on Congress to uphold our conservative agenda and not appease the left wing politicians. That is where the power will lie. Not the president. Congress will make or break this country.

McCain has a very difficult choice for his running mate. It may be the difference in pulling the Republican party back together. We can still elect McCain now and then elect a true conservative in four years without giving Washington over to the left wing radicals of Obama or Hillary and their minions.
I don't think this country could suffer anymore than it has in the last 8 years. So if the dems get in I don't think it could get much worse. Like most on here I don't like any of the candidates.
I don't think this country could suffer anymore than it has in the last 8 years. So if the dems get in I don't think it could get much worse. Like most on here I don't like any of the candidates.

You gotta be kiddin'! Socialist, anti-gun Obama and his fanatical white-hating wife and friends in power?

If that bunch gets in the White House (combined with the predicted Dem majority in the House and Senate), you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Just a few "changes" we can look forward to: Liberal socialist agenda mandates like more government social engineering, expansion of entitlement programs, repressive gun laws, and of course, higher taxes to pay for the changes, liberal judicial appointments,...the list just goes on and on.:mad:

Those bastards can wreck the country so completely that no future administration will ever be able to put it right again.

McCain isn't our choice, but he's the only choice.
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I agree with most on here that McCain isn't the ideal candidate for Pres., but when compared to the others----common' people don't give up this country yet.

Dave Wilson brought up a point that I have been concerned with highly in regard to this election. That is the supreme court nominations. You might only have to put up with the President for 4 years, but a couple liberal judges appointed by a Dem Pres will be a long-lasting disaster.

There will be enough people voting in Nov with marginal knowledge of the candidates. Some just because they want "change"... I prefer to live in a Republic as opposed to a Socialist State, so therefore, I'll pass on the "change"
This election IS for the Supreme Court!

IMO, Mc Cain probably won't nominate a Scalia, but probably another O'Connor.

The other two will nominate a Ginsburg, Stevens, Breyer, Souter or Kennedy AT BEST!
Don't forget that these scumbags voted to steal private property to give to other private companies in the name of Eminent Domain!

A local Farm was stolen near me by our Town for use as a Park......but only guaranteed that it would stay that way for 10 years! The family that owned it had it in their family since the 1920's.

Sooner or later somebody will come to the conclusion that they need to use the FOURTH BOX available for the redress of grievances and I won't begrudge them one bit!

Until someone can tell me what good it did them to vote for Ross Perot, then I won't consider voting for anyone other than McCain or Obama. I've heard the argument that you need to stick to your convictions and vote your principles so many times over the years when people are trying to drum up support for a lame third party candidate that ends up with less than 10% of the vote. In my mind it's futile thinking to the point of being laughable. If you're going to try to throw the vote to one of the front runners by voting for a person without a chance in hell of winning, wouldn't it be equally effective to throw the vote to one of the front runners by voting directly for them?

We're stuck with one of the front runners for four years, like it or not. Voting for a sure loser under the hoax that we're setting ourselves up to be in a better position 4 or 8 years down the road in one of the future presidential elections? You might as well slit your throat and slowly bleed out for 4-8 years because the next 4-8 years are lost and can never be recovered. The odds you can stage a successful strategy and reap the rewards 4-8 years later by placing a vote for a certain loser candidate now are about the same as hoping to kill a bull elk at 1000 yards with a shotgun bead on your rifle barrel.

We've got to work with the candidates that we've got now. Hillary Clinton is the only one that doesn't realize that it's either Obama or McCain.
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Until someone can tell me what good it did them to vote for Ross Perot, then I won't consider voting for anyone other than McCain or Obama. I've heard the argument that you need to stick to your convictions and vote your principles so many times over the years when people are trying to drum up support for a lame third party candidate that ends up with less than 10% of the vote. In my mind it's futile thinking to the point of being laughable. If you're going to try to throw the vote to one of the front runners by voting for a person without a chance in hell of winning, wouldn't it be equally effective to throw the vote to one of the front runners by voting directly for them?

We're stuck with one of the front runners for four years, like it or not. Voting for a sure loser under the hoax that we're setting ourselves up to be in a better position 4 or 8 years down the road in one of the future presidential elections? You might as well slit your throat and slowly bleed out for 4-8 years because the next 4-8 years are lost and can never be recovered. The odds you can stage a successful strategy and reap the rewards 4-8 years later by placing a vote for a certain loser candidate now are about the same as hoping to kill a bull elk at 1000 yards with a shotgun bead on your rifle barrel.

We've got to work with the candidates that we've got now. Hillary Clinton is the only one that doesn't realize that it's either Obama or McCain.

If my only two choices are OHbombus and McCan't then I suppose the Arizona guy would get my vote. But apparently, them and Ron Paul are all putting up one front and backing another. At least they're not Hillary. She is so skrewed up she doesn't even know which lie to remember anymore.
I'm voting for the one with the best vice president with the hopes that the preident will be a usefull bullet sponge , as none of them are worthy of any trust from me.
At this point the government has way more controle than the people do and basicaly it doesn't mater who the president is cause they are more of a figure head than anything , hell George jr ain't got the brains to poor **** out of a boot do you honestly think that he could run the country without a heard of people behind him telling him what to say ,how to look and act and half the time he screws that up.
It all needs to come back to the jack off liers that we elect to congress every time as they have more stroke in the government than the president does but sadly we can't trust a **** thing those clowns say either cause they all say one thing and do another.

I know I'm about sick of paying increasing taxs and fuel prices all the while getting less and less represintation from congress.

maybe its time for another "boston tea party" only this time we'll have use the phrase "no taxation without proper representation"

I want a president thats willing to jerk a knot in sombody *** if they decide to test a missle after they were told not to , its time the USA started getting the respect that we deserve , not wanting to sound like a war monger because I hate war but "peace through superior fire power" has alot of meaning to it.
I have two big predictions for the year - the first is that Hilliary walks away with the nomination at the Democratic convention. Not sure how she's gonna do it, but she hasn't spent 11 million dollars of her and Bills' money for nothing. She's got something up her sleeve; Superdelegates, some kind of trash on Obama (pics of white women maybe?). Not sure of what it is, but I'd bet she's holding some kind of a trump card. My second part of that prediction is when she steals it from Obama, you're going to see big cities like Chicago, Atlanta,etc go up in smoke. The blacks will be up in arms and it'll be another LA riot but in every big city with a large black population.

My second prediction is going to be a LANDSLIDE victory for the Democrats. Why? Because theres A WHOLE LOT of disgruntled conservatives out there (including myself) that will refuse to vote for McCain, they'll either stay home or vote for Bob Barr (my choice so far) or Ron Paul. Too many people are like me and refuse to vote for that turncoat McCain. Let them win the election, by a HUGE LANDSLIDE, it will wake up the Republicans with a big slap and MAYBE they'll realize that the base of the Republican party won't put up with "leaning" to the left anymore. Worse case scenario is two years of leftist socialism that will be followed by the Republicans gaining back possibly both Houses come next election. I too am concerned with the Supreme Court judges that will be put in place. What makes you think that even if McCain gets in office, that he'll pick someone decent, and I guarantee you if it is someone conservative the Senate won't accept them, so he's shut down anyway even if he did choose a conservative, which is wishful thinking. Look at the man and who he's sided with in the past - he's not a conservative, he doesn't deserve to even call himself a Republican - HE'S A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING!!!
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