Aoudad shooter1975
Well-Known Member
That's a bold statement.
Have you compared the Blaser to the Schultz and Larsen Victory, Classic DL or Legacy?
What about the Sauer 202 or 404?
No on the Schultz and Larsen. I own a R8 and a Sauer 404 at this time. I had a Sauer 200 and a 202 for a spell. I really liked the Blaser R93 but will admit the R8 is more robust. I have found both system's excellent but think the Blaser is just a little better from the scope mounting system to they way the barrels exchange. I have also found re-zero with the Blaser to be spot on--I think this has somewhat to do with the scope mounting on the barrel. My 404 sometimes requires a bit of "tuning" between barrel exchanges not all the time--and granted it is very little.I have owned a Blaser system since's a good robust system especially for the traveling hunter.
Bold statement, maybe--but I feel like I do have some credibility and insight on the subject
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