Rifle for Older Guy with a Bad Neck....

The Son said that his Dad was going with the CZ in 308 . If you have looked at one of them they have a Mannlicher stock so the stock would need to be modified to put on any kind of break or suppressor thus messing up the looks of the rifle . With that information in hand there are some great loads for it that have low felt recoil and recoil pads that will add to that lessening the felt recoil and not affecting the looks of the rifle . And to some of us that is important . All of it depends on what his Dr. says as to weather he gets to shoot any rifle for now . We all wish him the best with his quest to continue his hunting .
My father is having some neck issues that he's currently working through with his doctors. C3 / 5&6 are being a real pain in the ---. Not unusual for a 69 year old guy. His pain at the moment would certainly prevent him from shooting heavy kick rifles. They're going the steroid shot route for now as they try to figure out a long term solution. As of right now the shooting pains from the nerves, etc. hit frequent enough that shooting wouldn't be much fun. So being that we are inherently stubborn creatures and don't want to miss a hunting season or practice we need to figure out what he'll shoot so long as he gets the ok from the Dr.

So, the question to the group is what would you choose in his situation to shoot for whitetail hunting this season. Elevated box blinds, 300 yards max distance in Virginia

He currently has the following options:
1) LMT .308 ar10 with suppressor - really heavy gun to tote around
2) 300 blackout ar with suppressor - lacks range for most blinds but is the perfect rifle for kick/weight
3) A Bolt 7WSM - could add a break to calm it down in consideration of the neck...it's not a bad kick now
4) Use his CZ 308 with reduced recoil loads
5) Seeing as how we love guns should he buy a 6.5cm or a 7-08 or the like and use the neck as an excuse to buy something new?
6) Put the 7wsm or 308 in a different stock with adjustable comb/lop so he can really dial in his head vs. a stock pad

Fire away.
My friend has same issues. He gad rebareled Kimber to 6mmbr. He loads 105gr Bergers hot. The rifle is 7lb and virtually does not kick. He shot muly last fall 480 yards. Dead on spot.
appreciate all the input guys. he has an appointment today with his specialist and we will know more on limitations after that. Luckily his specialist is a huge big game hunter and understands the importance of the need to hunt...... so time will tell. Keep the ideas rolling.
My father is having some neck issues that he's currently working through with his doctors. C3 / 5&6 are being a real pain in the ---. Not unusual for a 69 year old guy. His pain at the moment would certainly prevent him from shooting heavy kick rifles. They're going the steroid shot route for now as they try to figure out a long term solution. As of right now the shooting pains from the nerves, etc. hit frequent enough that shooting wouldn't be much fun. So being that we are inherently stubborn creatures and don't want to miss a hunting season or practice we need to figure out what he'll shoot so long as he gets the ok from the Dr.

So, the question to the group is what would you choose in his situation to shoot for whitetail hunting this season. Elevated box blinds, 300 yards max distance in Virginia

He currently has the following options:
1) LMT .308 ar10 with suppressor - really heavy gun to tote around
2) 300 blackout ar with suppressor - lacks range for most blinds but is the perfect rifle for kick/weight
3) A Bolt 7WSM - could add a break to calm it down in consideration of the neck...it's not a bad kick now
4) Use his CZ 308 with reduced recoil loads
5) Seeing as how we love guns should he buy a 6.5cm or a 7-08 or the like and use the neck as an excuse to buy something new?
6) Put the 7wsm or 308 in a different stock with adjustable comb/lop so he can really dial in his head vs. a stock pad

Fire away.

Look into fixing his neck problem with regenerative therapies like stem cell or PRP injections. I've had great success with both, and Regenexx is the place to go for a referral to a doctor in your area who is in their network. If you pull up their website, you can read up on how these injections work, as well as find one of their satellite clinics to see if they have anything that will work for your father's particular problem. Steroid shots may help temporarily, but could make it worse in the long run - that's what I ran into with tendon & ligament problems in my shoulders. These injections are expensive, but they worked for me like magic.
How long do they work for nicholasjohn ? I don't need any more fusions as I've lost enough mobility in my neck and lower back . It seems like a lot of us have abused ourselves on this site
I just had to get some x rays this week to see if I was a candidate for a nerve burn in my lower back. Came back today asking where I wanted surgery. L2-3 and L3-4 are trying to slide out the back side. Already had L5 S4 caged a few years ago.
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I'm not comfortable with where stem cells are harvested. Had a chance to get in on the ground floor with that research and turned it down.
If so, its changed in the last 4 years. The ones I was offered supposedly came from the knee of a 3 yr old that passed away, but there is a big business these days in aborted babies. It makes me nauseous to think about it.
Alright. Cleared to shoot and not lift more than 50lbs. Treatment is some shots in the neck and some pill to help pain. Time is the healing plan for now.

So after discussions with me based on my thoughts, input from this thread, and his dr's input on recoil tolerance he's gone the 6.5 route.

Funny thing is he went the spend $ route. Big time. He picked up a Nosler M48 long range in 6.5 creedmoor and a Leica ER5 3-15x56. He wanted the weight and light gathering. Should come in just a hair under 10lbs.

I've had luck with Nosler rifles and those Leica er5 scopes (mine are 2-10x50). The mag ballistic reticle is far from perfect but we zero to MPBR anyway at the distances we hunt. Use that reticle for anything really far which is always steel for fun.

Thanks for all the input guys. No BS the entire 10 pages. That's rare for a web forum! Thanks again.
Glad yall got it figured out. I hope you and your father spend good times together blastin caps !
tmwtrfwler , I am glad that things are looking up with Your Dad and that he decided what route he wanted to take . Good for him so now You and Your Dad need to spend time together and get it tuned up enjoy Your selves as that is what life is about at this age .
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