@akmtnhnt I'm not sure if I would even like a chassis, I've just read when in the back country busting miles of brush you want a folding stock, short barrel, and light weight. We are planning to do multiple hunts in Alaska including float hunts.
Here's what I'm estimating for weight:
HNT26….30 oz
AntiX…….24.4 oz
CF barrel……32 oz. No clue on this one but 16-18" can't weigh much????
Nx8……28 oz
Rings……4 oz
Suppressor……7 oz or 14 oz depending on which one I pick between Scythe-TI or Magnus.
This puts me at 7.8 pounds or 8.2 pounds. I'm starting to lean to a 6 UM with 16" barrel.