Rifle selection for budget build

Just purchase a Remington 700 action or Savage action. Not rifle, just the action.

Sadly, sometimes the action alone is more expensive than the whole rifle. I got my 1st shortmag ever, Savage 11 FCNS in .300 WSM for $370 (GunBroker.com Message Forums - Got my 1st shortmag ever ...). The only thing I have done was a muzzle brake install.

Last year, was it's first harvest; a MT muley at 425 yards (GunBroker.com Message Forums - .300 WSM's first kill ...)

In short, since it's quite the shooter, I'll leave it "as-is" for now as I have other projects on going. :Dgun)


all valid points and probably all from experience. I too have done the "budget" build and ended up spending more $ than several new good quality rifles on the market today and does it shoot any better??
This all depends on your intentions, what are you really hoping for in the end? how much shooting will you be actually doing? What distances and what is in you mind, your "budget"?
Why a 458? nothing against it, just asking.
instead of spending $ on one of the 4 you listed for the build, consider what you really are willing to spend and search the options from there. Say if you think you will spend $800 on this build, look at what can be purchased for $800, just as an example.
I personally have a couple Marlins, a RAR and have shot the savage. All are very good shooters for $300 ish/ Are they long ranger shooters, no but they get the job done under 400 yrds. I have no experience with the 783 but as mentioned it is a clone of the X7, when Rem bought Marlin, Rem discontinued the X7 line and introduced the 783 to replace the *** 770 as Rems entry rifle.
If you want to get started shooting, purchase any one of the 4, shoot it until you have $ saved to get what you really want then sell it for almost what you initially paid.
Just my thoughts on this matter (from experience)
I agree with you guys that say you might be better off financially purchasing the rifle instead of the action like I suggested. The original rifles that the OP mentioned have cheap plastic trigger guards and sometimes plastic or unreliable magazines; so I assumed those would need to be replaced anyways.

If you're planning to keep the trigger, bottom metal, and magazine setup; and therefore only changing the barrel and stock, you could be better off financially to find a good deal on a rifle instead of the action.

Thanks for pointing that out. :)

I also agree with every thing Mike 338 stated about the Rem 783's. And I'm definitely interested in hearing more about his shooting when he has time for more testing.

However if I was building a budget 458 SOCOM, I would still use an inexpensive AR platform.
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