Barrel Selection for M700 build

That depends on the length of the bullet you choose to shoot and the velocity of the load you work up.

180 grain Berger:

If you don't hunt in zero weather, a 1:9" twist will work. But if it gets cold when and where you hunt a 1:8.5" will do the trick. Shorter/lighter bullets will need less twist. Higher elevations need less twist. Use the Berger Calculator for what-ifs.

I live in Louisiana so about the lowest temp we see in in the 20's and not too much of that.
I will probably hunt mostly with 150-160 class bullets. It will be used mostly to hunt with but will be taken to the range some.
I have a M700 35 whelin that I will taking to the local smith for a new build. I have a couple short actions that I had re barreled a few years in 260 and the other in 6.5 CM. Both of these builds have Remington varmint contour Bartlein barrels and are a little on the heavy side. On the long action this time I am leaning on towards a 280 AI and would like to end up with a lighter rifle but one will still shoot tiny groups. probably going with a Bartlein again but something lighter than the Remington varmint contour. My question is how far down in barrel size before I start giving up accuracy..... cant afford a carbon barrel BTW

You can get a prefit carbon six barrel for the price of a steel chambered and threaded by most smiths. It will be stiffer for the same weight. I will most likely handle longer shot strings better and most often overlooked will allow a larger brake for better recoil reduction. Some will dismiss this especially on smaller cartridges but I can assure you it helps shooting accurately from field positions.
You can get a prefit carbon six barrel for the price of a steel chambered and threaded by most smiths. It will be stiffer for the same weight. I will most likely handle longer shot strings better and most often overlooked will allow a larger brake for better recoil reduction. Some will dismiss this especially on smaller cartridges but I can assure you it helps shooting accurately from field positions.
Where and what kind?
A 3B barrel is still a pretty big barrel. I used a Brux #3 at 25" on my 280 AI which is more like a Bartlein 2B. A 3B is like a #5 in most other brands. I personally like Brux and Mullerworks and you can get either at bugholes.
Just finished one with a 7mm Brux #3 1:9 4 groove from Bugholes. Finished this time at 22" plus a Vais microbrake for a "reasonably compact" woods package. Third time personally using this same Brux barrel spec. I know at least 4 other guys that have used the same. Doesn't matter if its chambered in 7-08, .280, 7 WSM, 7 STW, 28 Nosler. They all shoot...every single one of them. No way would I go with anything else.
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