Rifle build for daughter

6.5 Grendel is my first choice as a Florida deer rifle. I have three. My 6 year old grand son shot the head off a lizard that made the mistake of walking out on the top of our target rack at 50 yards with an AR and shoots my Howa mini action suppressed out to 200 with 1 moa accuracy. Great little gun especially suppressed, reduces recoil to almost nil. We have a private range and the lizard he shot was an invasive species in case that was an issue for some. I also have a triple deuce. No experience with the 6.5x whatever's………. Yet! Great job dad!!
Ok I'm looking for some thoughts on a rifle build for my daughter. She is 8 but is needing a lot of instruction with handling and shooting a rifle. I have a 722 action that will be going in a chassis for the time being. Problem I have is caliber selection. It was originally a 222 which I love but the opportunity to go a different route keeps nagging at me, almost to the point of my wife asking me to do chores..... almost. I digress, cartridges I'm looking at are:

6x45 - very intrigued
221 fireball - yes I have weird taste

223 is out since I already have one she will get when I die. Will be shooting mostly handloads from the start depending on caliber. Will be a short barrel to run suppressed. Any additional cartridges I should be looking at or considering?

The first person that suggest 300 blackout will be taken off the invite list for the birthday party and that will suck because there will be a piñata, cookies and ice cream cake!! Don't be that guy!!

222 is a nice cartridge
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