Rem 700 Primary Extraction RR serial #


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2018
I know this has been put out there a lot recently but, I'm looking for some insight from folks who have had the same issue or are familiar with the repair.

I have a 700 5R 300 win mag that will not extract 20-30% of the rounds fired through it. I was aware of these issues with the RR serial #'s but, I didn't think Remington would let a 5R out the door that wasn't at least checked before leaving the factory.

I contacted Remington to have a repair ticket created. They are having me send it to a smith that is about 5 hours away, Sports World in Tulsa. I have read from a lot of folks to not send it to Remington, "they will just throw on a new barrel and send it back out with the same problem".

Should I trust this smith 5 hours away or should I find one locally that could re-time and burn the bolt handle in the right spot?
I feel for you. So frustrating to get a rifle from the factory that isn't right and needs 'fixed.' And you definitely don't want to send it to the 'wrong' people for repairs and prolong your issues (or create new ones.) You just want it fixed and fixed correctly the first time.

Send it to Charley Robertson in Albuquerque, NM. Then you can rest easy and know it will be fixed correctly. The man is meticulous and "knows" Rem 700s inside and out.
Score High Gunsmithing (Charley Robertson)
9812-A Cochiti Rd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123

Monday - Friday 9:00 to 5:00
There is a common theme with the rounds that don't want to extract. The bolt lift provides more resistance than normal, it stops at the top w/o the primary extraction cams touching, and is very difficult to move the the rear to extract the spent case... sometimes requiring the assistance of a blunt force object. Once the case has broken free it comes right out.

I have marked all of the cases that I am having extraction issues with to see if there were any abnormalities with them, I have found none. I have even reloaded the same cases with only neck sizing and have not been able to replicate the issues, they are completely random from what I can tell.

Thanks to all for the replies... I have an email out to Dan with accu-tig to see if I can get this worked out before the rut.
Doesn't accu-tig want the bolt only?

I don't think the repair can be done correctly without having the receiver and the bolt.
Doesn't accu-tig want the bolt only?

I don't think the repair can be done correctly without having the receiver and the bolt.
That was also my understanding and one of my questions that I sent to him.

I am also tossing around the idea of just have the entire action blue printed. Timing the bolt handle is a step in the job so I might pay more but, I should get more out of it in the long run.
Doesn't accu-tig want the bolt only?

I don't think the repair can be done correctly without having the receiver and the bolt.
I have had Accu-Tig time and tig weld at least a dozen handles. Only send the bolt and the measurement between the front of the bolt handle and the receiver ( install the bolt in the receiver, gauge the gap between the front of the bolt handle and the receiver with a feeler gauge). He must have the timing figured out, and the extractor cams always engage when the bolt comes back as every one has been correct.
Are you sure the primary extraction is the issue why it wont extract some cases, I know Remingtons have a primary extraction issue but I have several and been around alot of them and they all have extracted a case.
If you have access to a borescope check the chamber for a ring and take a look at the extractor also. This is not to say that it doesnt need some timing done
I had the same problem ser#RR took it to my smith retimed the bolt handle welded it together in a jig he has and had it back the next day.Where are you located ? There is a thread on snipetshide on this same problem, with some good utube videos. This can help you verify your issues. Good luck
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