Hard/impossible extraction Rem 700

Well 6 months on and 487 rounds more thru the gun using same developed loads supplied with the gun and not one single failure to extract / difficult or hard extraction.

I guess all it needed was the bolt replaced by someone who knew what they were doing in the first place!!

Still waiting on an apology from Mr Supplier but I guess I will never see it
I might have misread, but did you run dirty brass thru the rifle? Or was that the smith in testing?
I have used dirty brass in the past (still do) and that was blamed by the supplier for my issues.
You stated this:
"This rifle was working great, extracting just fine after the chamber was polished but over many months sitting in the safe & with use it gets worse & worse"

I might have missed it, but do you think the rifle was fixed correctly, then feeding it dirty brass caused your issue? The welding job was not great, but it is hard to blame a smith when it worked fine for a while. Why not clean your brass?
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