Rem 700 bolts?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
Rathdrum Idaho
How much difference is between non magnum bolts and actions and magnum bolts and actions? Are bolt body sizes the same only bolt faces are different? Can a magnum bolt be used in a Non magnum action? Hope that makes sense.
The difference between the magnum and standard receivers are the feed rails.
Bolts differ only in the boltface diameter.
How does bolt timing work with a new bolt? Are tolerances close so all work?

Just asking to learn. Ty
I just swapped out an RR serial number magnum action bolt for an older Sendero bolt, primary extraction timing is restored doing this.
Normally on my builds I buy PT&G one piece bolts, but had this one laying around unused.
The RR bolt timing is useless and is only good for use when testing sized brass.

How does bolt timing work with a new bolt? Are tolerances close so all work?

Just asking to learn. Ty

No way to know.
"Should" be fine- but fact remains, most M700's are tight enough for reliable primary extraction, but there are still those that aren't. If you're using a two-piece bolt and find there's too much slop and not enough extraction, the handle will need to be re-timed.
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