Rem 700 bolt problems

The same thing happened to me with a 700 action. The screws were too long. I backed them out a bit and the bolt was fine. I took the screws out and turned my belt sander upside down and gently shorten them and then rotated them into a die. The same thing happened to me installing a timney trigger. One of the screws interfered with the bolt from the bottom. Again. I sanded them shorter. You may have scratched the bolt by forcing it. You might see some evidence marks on the bolt.
In the decade or so that I spent behind the counter of a gun shop this was a common thing to have happen. As others have suggested, the usual culprit was the second from the front screw intruding on where the bolt lug wanted to rotate. Once in a while it could be one or both of the rear bridge screws, but you've already eliminated those.
Wow. I can't thank y'all enough. I never thought I'd get so many replies. I usually just search forums and have never posted myself haha

It was in fact the second scope base screw from the front. I loosened it a couple turns and the bolt ran smoothly. A shorter extra screw was included. I made sure it was long enough to catch threads then applied loctite and torqued it to spec.
It really does take a village......
I have a unfired Remington 700 ADL (New production). I was installing a scope base and scope. Then went over the rifle to ensure everything was functioning properly. When I went to close the bolt, it only closed halfway. (The bolt was parallel to the ground). The trigger still works in this position.

After some fiddling around, I decided to see if it would close all the way with some force. It did, but was extremely hard to push down. And was even harder to lift. I had to lay the rifle down and use my left hand to hold it down while pulling up on the handle with extreme force to lift the bolt. After spending the last 3 hours researching, I can't find anyone having the exact same problem. The chamber is empty and has still never been fired.

I have tried loosening the front action screw (completely removed action and it didn't help) , lubing up all rotating parts on the bolt, I completely engaged the bolt and disengaged it several times. Can't seem to find an issue. I don't notice any rough areas or burrs. And no visible marks from metal scraping against metal. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
The front base screw is hitting the bolt lug. It's too long is what it sounds like.
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I have a unfired Remington 700 ADL (New production). I was installing a scope base and scope. Then went over the rifle to ensure everything was functioning properly. When I went to close the bolt, it only closed halfway. (The bolt was parallel to the ground). The trigger still works in this position.

After some fiddling around, I decided to see if it would close all the way with some force. It did, but was extremely hard to push down. And was even harder to lift. I had to lay the rifle down and use my left hand to hold it down while pulling up on the handle with extreme force to lift the bolt. After spending the last 3 hours researching, I can't find anyone having the exact same problem. The chamber is empty and has still never been fired.

I have tried loosening the front action screw (completely removed action and it didn't help) , lubing up all rotating parts on the bolt, I completely engaged the bolt and disengaged it several times. Can't seem to find an issue. I don't notice any rough areas or burrs. And no visible marks from metal scraping against metal. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Did it close easily without the scope base installed? One of the base screws may be impeding the bolt lug slightly…. Even a couple thousandths of an inch in the wrong place could cause a hard close as the lug brushes against it. If it was this way when ya bought it return it.
I have a unfired Remington 700 ADL (New production). I was installing a scope base and scope. Then went over the rifle to ensure everything was functioning properly. When I went to close the bolt, it only closed halfway. (The bolt was parallel to the ground). The trigger still works in this position.

After some fiddling around, I decided to see if it would close all the way with some force. It did, but was extremely hard to push down. And was even harder to lift. I had to lay the rifle down and use my left hand to hold it down while pulling up on the handle with extreme force to lift the bolt. After spending the last 3 hours researching, I can't find anyone having the exact same problem. The chamber is empty and has still never been fired.

I have tried loosening the front action screw (completely removed action and it didn't help) , lubing up all rotating parts on the bolt, I completely engaged the bolt and disengaged it several times. Can't seem to find an issue. I don't notice any rough areas or burrs. And no visible marks from metal scraping against metal. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Well is the bolt set in fire position? And back out the screws in the base to see if that helps.