As you said, limbsaver pads are awesome and definately help. Believe it or not but adding a good ported choke tube such as CompNChoke or others helps also. While I agree that a 20ga can be just as effective as a 12ga, a lighter 20ga gun with heavy loads will kick more than a 12ga with lighter loads. Wieght makes a difference and fit is very important. Buckshot, slugs, and turkey loads are just in their own little world compared to the average load in any gauge for the amount of recoil! I can shoot my 10ga or 3 1/2 12ga all day long shootin ducks and geese without issue. Slugs, turkey loads or buckshot once a day is enough for me lol.Perhaps it I made sound worse than it is. I have limbsavor pads on two other scatterguns. They're better than factory