winchester m-70 s/s synthetic 7mm WSM. I have tried 11 bullets (at multiple seating depths), 6 powders, three primers and three different cases. I have neck sized and full length sized. Two different scopes, bedded rifle and can not get this rifle to shoot any hand loads consistently. I have almost 200 rounds down this bbl trying to get some kind of load and I'm no closer now than when I started! Here is the kicker, it shoots federal fusion 150's lights out! Hornady outfitter 150 GMX shoots better than any handload I have made….. I know you are going to say just shoot the factory ammo and be happy. I can't do that. the only thing I have not done is crimp the bullet. I have never crimped any of my other rifles and never had a problem. I will try some tomorrow with a crimp and report back. I am open to any suggestions, is there anything I have left out? I love the rifle and would really like to get an accurate load before I shoot the bbl out… tks!