
Great explanation on the Sig. I have decided to move in this direction with a rangefinder / AB solution with my Kestrel. The BDX is also used with the (soon to be released) Kilo 3000 and I assume the results should be the same as you posted above. Have you had a chance to look through, validate the Kilo 3000? I am a little hesitant based on the posting of glass quality on the 2400 and hope the 3000 10x42 is comparable to binocular glass at the $800-1K range.


I have not had a chance to demo the 3000 yet, there were no samples at the time, so I am running the 2400 BDX now, and hope to demo the 3000 in the spring. Last I talked to Sig, the 3000 is sometime in 2019 at this point, so you have some time.

As far as how it will work, I am confident the connection/function etc. will be the same as the 2400...it's software and ranging hardware should just transfer over.

As far as the glass on the 3000 goes, that is the million dollar question for me as well. I have a list of things I am planning to go over on my next convo with Sig, I'll ask the question around what level of glass it is. My guess is it will be the same as one of their current offerings, so that would give you an opportunity to go out and see how it looks for your eyes.

Zulu 5, that is what I was told would be pretty much the glass level on the 3000. So if you are thinking about waiting for it, you could check out a pair of those and see if they are sufficient to your needs.
I have the Sig 2400 ABS, its a nice unit. If you have an iPhone you don't have a headphone jack to be able to use the wind meter.....huge con for me.
I haven't played a whole lot with it, so will see if it grows on me or I sell it for something else.
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