
The 2400abs works fine for bowhunting. Way overkill...just don't lose it when a 100$ rangefinder would have worked just as well.
Put it in the AMR mode. I've used it probably longer than anyone, and definitely does everything as needed for bowhunting.
2400 abs, if new at 1100....if you can afford it, I think I'd jump on that. Even if you change your mind, you can probably resell it at little to no loss, that's a really good deal.

As for bow hunting, as elkoholic said all the Sigs can run in 'amr' mode....angle modified, no curve needed....made for bow hunters....and they range down to like 5 yards IIRC.

Definitely overkill for bow hunting, but pretty awesome for long range rifle hunting, and at that price...I don't think you can do better.
Well i picked up the sig 2400abs today and was playing with it on the drive home.. Didnt even make it a block away and the wife looks at me and says want me to drive now dont you?? Yup.. I did have my friends g7 br2500with to compare against. (not sure how strong his battery) but the sig was out doing and faster the whole ride home. Granted this was through the front window road signs going 75 down interstate. I was suprized the sig was doing over a mile off road signs while the g7 would only get around 800.. i know no one cares what a range finder will do through a window off the most reflective target u can find but i was impressed cuz i was not steady at all and the thing was fast..
It also connected up with my samsung s7 quickly and easy as any bluetooth devices that work.
Awesome, glad you got it, I'm sure it will serve you very well!
If i understand correct when in LOS mode with a ballistic profile selected, the DA (density altitude) is then turned off? Is this not what gives me my elevation above sea level?
And the only other very minor downside i can see, and could be missing something, is that i have not found a way yet to lock in the temp if i dont have a cell phone to link up to from the app.. but as minor as that is, if i cant pre plan enough to prevent that situation i probley cant pre plan enough to make an accurate bullet much less 2 accurate bullets. I find differnt b.c. in the program also instead of advertised b.c. from a company. Take hornadys 147eldm. The sig program says its a G1 .617. While hornady shows as the picture shows below (and i have found very accurate in other programs).. even if u average them out between hornadys 3 differnt b.c. according to m.v. its still clearly higher then sigs AB program.. What am i missing here also?
I have the 2400ab and like it a lot. The only problem I have is with the glass, but it's plenty good for what it's for.
I ran it next to a buddy's PLRF10 and it's spot on to 3000.
No issues ranging deer to 1800-2000, and at times beyond that.
Rangefinder technology seems to be advancing pretty quickly at the moment, it'll be interesting to see how quickly this thing is out dated. In the mean time, it's a big step up from the leica 1600 that I was running before.
I have the 2400ab and like it a lot. The only problem I have is with the glass, but it's plenty good for what it's for.
I ran it next to a buddy's PLRF10 and it's spot on to 3000.
No issues ranging deer to 1800-2000, and at times beyond that.
Rangefinder technology seems to be advancing pretty quickly at the moment, it'll be interesting to see how quickly this thing is out dated. In the mean time, it's a big step up from the leica 1600 that I was running before.
Im excited to do some real world testing. I already know if the unit is calibrated correctly, and you have your data entered correctly, and its not a lemon the system will spit out the correct dope. But in my case of testing its that iv mostly ran strelok+ for years. And have it tweaked for me. And its always been accurate. But it took alot of time to gather all my data. And then again alot of time to range, enter, dial, and shoot. I am excited to stack it up to a system that has worked for me. And find out what was off or what i have to tweak. I just enjoy ballistics i guess. What issues are you having with the glass? For me it was better glass then the g7br2, also alot better then my vortex 800 or 1200 whatever it was it dont matter anymore cuz its going to my dad for ranging fence post spacing, and other random ranch stuff where the old yard steps where used.
And the only other very minor downside i can see, and could be missing something, is that i have not found a way yet to lock in the temp if i dont have a cell phone to link up to from the app.. but as minor as that is, if i cant pre plan enough to prevent that situation i probley cant pre plan enough to make an accurate bullet much less 2 accurate bullets. I find differnt b.c. in the program also instead of advertised b.c. from a company. Take hornadys 147eldm. The sig program says its a G1 .617. While hornady shows as the picture shows below (and i have found very accurate in other programs).. even if u average them out between hornadys 3 differnt b.c. according to m.v. its still clearly higher then sigs AB program.. What am i missing here also?


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Great explanation on the Sig. I have decided to move in this direction with a rangefinder / AB solution with my Kestrel. The BDX is also used with the (soon to be released) Kilo 3000 and I assume the results should be the same as you posted above. Have you had a chance to look through, validate the Kilo 3000? I am a little hesitant based on the posting of glass quality on the 2400 and hope the 3000 10x42 is comparable to binocular glass at the $800-1K range.
I don't currently have a 2400 ABS, I have the 2400 BDX. I demoed an ABS in the past, but that was a while ago, so my memory about menus etc. is limited and probably a bit stale.

All that said, some of the guys like Elkoholic and nmbarta can probably step in and correct me where I am wrong here, but I'll try and help, and if you can't get answers anyway, let me know and I can reach out to my contact at Sig.

That said...

AFAIK, there is no way to turn off temp except through the app. I seemed to remember there was a way through the menu on the RF, but suspect I am remembering wrong.

As to density altitude, my understanding is that it's an either or deal concerning ballistic returns. So if you are using AB for your ballistic calculations, DA is off. Some people would apparently rather not use AB and would rather get DA and go from there. But yeah, if you set it up to use AB, DA will be off.

Concerning your BC's for your profile, you should be able to access and make use of the custom drag curves from AB's library. That's the way I go on my Kestrel using AB, and at least for the bullets I am using, it's got me on target for my 3 rifles out to 1200 yards. As far as what is displayed in Sig's program for BC, if you can't select 'custom' for your bullet, which is AB's custom drag for that bullet, I would probably trust the numbers in Sig's program because AFAIK, they come from AB, who I trust .

Not sure I have helped you here, hopefully, if I have not, one of the guys currently using the ABS can chime in. If not, and it's still not solved, let me know.
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