Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

Is a bunch of sandhills cranes called a gaggle? At any rate a huge flock of them just flew over on their way south. We will be getting a cold front moving in from Canada mid-week and hopefully it will dump some moisture on a few of the fires and help lower the fire risk in this part of the world. I have a question for Mr. Windypants how many rounds you are getting with your long-range Wheeler 30-28N rifle before you start seeing some throat erosion? What type of material is it made of, does it have chrome lining inside the barrel? We used nitrating on 416 stainless steels in the steam turbines to harden the surface but not make it brittle I have a few barrels that are nitrated but they are mostly slower speed rounds and not known as having throat erosion problems, for several thousand rounds. I wonder if that would give a longer life to the faster running hotter rounds with a lot of hot gas's eating away at the throat areas, does anyone have any experience in that area? A friend from South Dakota dropped by the other day for a visit and a coffee. I'm going to fix a knife for him, and I might send a new blade for it made out of 440C stainless. I studied on the steel that the original blades are made of and refined the heat treatment of it to make them a better blade that lasts longer and holds an edge better. The way I do it wouldn't be cost efficient for the manufacture, but it's something that I can do and something that I enjoy doing. Time wise it doesn't involve much in actual working time but the resting and ageing time for the steel does take three days. In the actual working time, I will have less than an hour per blade. A curious mind can be a gift or a curse, I enjoy mine and like to learn but there are times that it can be frustrating for the people around me. I have been told so many times you're an a09765e you make me feel like I'm a re013d because just when I get to doing something the way you showed me you start doing it a different way. Yup don't get set in your ways the coyotes don't, and they will adapt to you if you do, and your numbers will fall off. My job is to kill them and to teach you as many ways as I can so that you have a good supply of knowledge to keep them off balance and not knowing what you will do. I was out visiting with a rancher the other day he had his hands there and we got to talking about coyotes, as is normal, he asked me how many coyotes did you kill for me last summer in the month that you were here I said not many just 15. His one hand said that's how many we killed all year. He laughed and told them that's why I call him, then I said yes but you have to remember that I don't have other jobs to do at the same time. He then said yes but at the same time you fixed fence, washed out roads and water tanks as you found them needing worked on. My reply to that was well I was there, and it needed done your guys would do it if they saw it but there was no need for them to drop what they were doing just to go over there and fix something when I was there already.
To me there's BIG flocks and little flocks lol. Still in harvest here but getting closer to being done. Maybe another week or 2. VERY dry here too as well. Some trees are going from dull green to yellow to falling off and bare of leaves in a matter of days. While sightings have still been almost nonexistent, I have heard a few coyotes after dark now and then. Seems like that happens about now every year when the fields get picked and the loose their cover. Well here comes the grain cart with another load of beans. Back to the elevator I go.
Dave, this 30-28 is definitely a hot rod barrel burner, but I like it for its long range accuracy and performance in the wind. It's a Bartlein stainless barrel. The throat erosion starts right away but I only have to retune the load once in its short life—about 600 rounds. I was going to try their harder steel barrels but got warned to wait and see how they hold up from others. I have t heard any reports yet. I know a local gunsmith who tried nitriding the bores, and he said they appeared to wear better at first, but then started breaking chunks out instead of the normal erosion, so no net gain.
I know that I really like the color of a nitrated barrel, and the 416 bolts and pins that I've worked with were harder than my head. In the steam turbines and high temp and pressure steam valves I haven't seen any of them loose chunks but it's a totally different world. Instantly going from cold to a few thousand degrees is a weird thing to deal with the surface expands and the subsurface doesn't, perfect for surface fractures to develop. I know that when they would have me drill out some pins and bolts so they could put liquid nitrogen in them to shrink them for removal, they had 1-2 thousands of an inch interference fit, I would sharpen a masonry drill bit with the carbide inserts to get through the first few thousandths of an inch that were hard. Are you going to get all of those pins drilled today, yes, I'm already done, how could you be? I only ever told one General Electric rep how I did it. It would be interesting to see some study results of rifle barrels that have been nitrated. I might have to do some looking around to see if any have been done.
This far and away my favorite thread. Thanks,Dave.
I'm with ya. If it wasn't for Dave I would not have any idea about how to hunt n trap coyotes. Being they are not a huge predator problem in my area. And I like the way he gives the weather reports around his area. And his thoughts and story telling in general.
You all are too kind but thank you. I'm just an older guy that likes to talk to others and I enjoy trying to help other people that want to learn. I spent a lot of years with my dogs as company in pursuit of coyotes and other predators. I never really talked much to other people a lot because I wasn't around them. Even when I worked in the steam power industry, I worked by myself a lot, that's how I paid to raise my family and do what I loved the most chase coyotes. I found that for some reason I got put on jobs, in both worlds, that others didn't want or were having trouble solving, to me it was a challenge to be figured out. My mind just loves to learn new things and to be challenged by things that others have given up on. I feel fortunate that my mind took me in a healthy direction instead of towards the criminal side, most people love a good Star Wars story where the good side fights the bad side, my good side was always in the lead but like all other people when it's the right time the dark side will seemingly appear out of nowhere, and give me what it takes to survive. In most cases it's just a matter of slowing down and really observing not just looking at the problem in front of you, and the answer most often is there in plain sight in front of you as well. In the coyote's world the things that told me the most about them and how to solve the problem of them doing wrong to the humans was to track them and interpret the sign that they left for me, I learned from them how to read their tracks. So many times, when I would get called for a problem, the other person in pursuit hadn't seen the signs left for them, not their fault frustration most of the time clouded their vision, so they missed the obvious. I learned a ton of it from others, that were willing to share with me what they had learned, to honor them I want to pass some knowledge, and enjoyment, along to others, and have others join in and share with us all!!!!!
Several years back we got a new guy, he was assigned to me to start. We had a hard job given us and I got things gathered for it. As we were getting set up I had him doing some things that needed done but were what he considered menial, stuff that I routinely did myself, pretty soon he threw a little fit about it, you got me doing all the B S stuff you can't teach me a f n thing I already know more than you do anyway. I told him it all needs done and it doesn't make any difference if you or I do it, it will get done in the end. Fast forward a couple of years, he's trying to go into management and is working beside the manager trying to impress him he looks at me and says I want you to tell me how to do this in this situation. My evil twin pops out in me instantly, and I ask him do you remember your first day with me when you told me that there wasn't anything that I could teach you because you already knew more than I did? Well, that's as true today as it was then. I watched him struggle for a few years trying to figure things out and nobody else wanted to help him or explain anything to him, he just had an attitude that repelled people and a dark cloud floating over him, nobody would take the time with him, nor could they explain to him why they avoided him. I don't know what ever became of him, but I do know that he moved on, I doubt that he ever changed his ways and is probably struggling wherever he is. the old saying that you can't help those that don't want to help themselves had a reason for being said, and it wasn't just said to those that were trying to help someone.

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