Another saying about Yotes is that you can kill 75% of them and it won't put a dent in the population. They are getting 'Urbanized" with plenty of food from family pets.The coyote is the most pursued predator in the U.S.. They have tried to kill all of them, and it didn't work.
A wise man once said that there will be a coyote around to gnaw the bon\es of the last man on earth.
I am a new member here. I was on another hunting forum and someone posted a link to this site and this thread. I started reading the start of this thread three days ago and it has kept me up late at night. I am on the 90 page and I have to say that it is by far the best there is on the art of coyote control. I have just now got into calling coyotes, but have trapped probably over a 1000 in my life. We used to do a lot of trapping for the live market. I don't hit it very hard anymore since the fur market has all but crashed and I'm not as young as I was. I still catch a few close to home just because I love trapping them. I noticed that Dsheetz mentioned his brother living in Shoals. I am not far from there. I live near Petersburg. I have enjoyed the first 90 pages of this thread and look forward to reading all of it. Thank you all for such great info and very interesting stories.
Also the yotes kill up to 75% of the new born Deer. Devistate the ground breeding birds (Quail, Turkey). If one Yote sees a group of chick quail or turkey they will kill everyone and then bring back to their brood.
I shot an 8 point in our back property with a bow. waited 45 minutes before tracking and no blood. wnet back to the house for one hour and came back with lights, GPS, and peroxide. I finally found the blood trail and when i crested an old logging road i was challenged by two big yotes. I screamed and they ran. My buck was totally eaten from his back hooves to his lungs. i figured the Yotes smelled his blood and within one hour ate 3/4 of that buck, had to be a pack.
Once the bridges were put across the olds Miss river the yote moved to the SE and NE.
I kill everyone of them!
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