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Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

I only get out for coyote specifically 10 to 12 times a year. I only hunt my core area where I live and work and it's really tough hunting around here. Weather and wind has to be just right or you can't get where you need to be. With work, it's pretty hard to get those kind of days when I have time to actually go. Having said that, I'm out and about everyday and am always watching, listening, and learning to make the few times I get to go more successful. I do spend many hours just watching from the house as I can see a couple mile stretch and if I catch one traveling the right direction and can slip out and head it off it's game on no matter what time of year. Got one just a month ago this way. The fur is worthless here so I'm just trying to manage them to keep the deer alive and out of our stock. I do spend more time bowhunting deer and chasing waterfowl and turkey.

To me, like some of you, hunting is a spiritual thing. To just be out in nature watching the world wake up or go to bed and everything in between is my church. It's my time to shut it all off, concentrate on the task at hand, and be with God and all his creation. I often find that I pray alot when I hunt, just sitting there in the peace and quiet with a somewhat clear mind, thinking of those that need HIS help, sometimes myself. Is that wierd?
No not at all weird as so many have said before and will again that's what we do when we are out and about . I have always taken the time to be in awh of Gods creations while out and about more every year as I age . For me there isn't much better then to set quietly and listen to what the world has to say no matter the time of day or time of the year . In all of the weather conditions as well . People are starting to share and I have to admire them for it . The reasons we get out are pretty much universal . The amount of time we get out varies as to what is going on in our lives at the time , The bottom line is we do it because we love to do it a huge thank you to all that get out and enjoy our world even if it's only to our back yard or a city park . God bless us each and every one as we prepare for another season afield .
It's day six of me having Covid and so far it's not nearly as bad as the West Nile was for me , but then I have had both of my vaccination shots and one booster . I was number 18 in my state for West Nile so it was some time ago . With it I got a bad headache that made a migraine feel mild , ran a fever of 100 for a few days and it even hurt to touch the hair on my body . With this I had a headache that was more of a sinuses related headache stuffy head and ears sore throat and coughing that hurt my lungs and just a slight fever . My wife has it worse then me and I feel bad for her she is in day 10 now and is showing improvement but still has a bad coughing fit regularly , but then she still works , and it's in a petrary dish , in a middle school . We as people do the same as animals when we are grouped into large numbers we give each other transmittable diseases , we breath the same air as others have just exhaled , we touch the same surfaces that they have just touched maybe after just sneezing or coughing on their hands , we greet each other maybe with a hug or hand shake ect. we are sociable in general and have our greeting rituals the same as coyote do and we pass things from one to another good and or bad it's just the way we are the natural side of mankind . As with the last pandemic ( the bigger one that started in 1918 ) we have lost several people to this one . It has mutated at a rapid pace and now luckily it seems to be less severe then it first was . We will be living with it now and we hope that as time goes on we adapt and it mutates to be lesser in severity for us humans and the other species that come in contact with it as well as become hosts to it . It's the old Pandora's Box thing we were all told of as youth once we open the box you can't put it back in the box so we need to study it and figure it out then learn how to best deal with it . We and it will keep changing and adapting to each other as time goes on . When I was younger they gave me a small pox vaccine . I had German Measles at 5 ,my Mom had small pox when she was little also so I didn't react to it , they gave me another one still no reaction to it . Fast forward to bootcamp you go down a line getting shots in each arm three days in the morning then stand two for an hour waiting to see if anyone has adverse reactions before going on with your day . The small pox is give in the same shoulder on every one after 5 days or so you go back through the line get the site checked for a reaction you should have a pox mark blister . I had no reaction to it so another dose was given this time I did get a small reaction it looked like a small zit with a yellow head on it maybe 3/16ths of an inch in diameter . I had some immunity from having the German measles as well as from my mom having survived small pox giving me some of her immunity to it . I am hopeful that the human race will react to this new virus in a similar way and pay it forward also . But in the mean time don't get upset if I don't give you a big hug and hand shake or a kiss on the cheek I will still show my respect to you and greet you just not quite as robustly . We might have to change our greeting rituals a little , We all know why we shake with our right had don't we ? If I was in Europe it was so I couldn't stab you with my dagger in my right hand if I was in Asia and depending on my religious beliefs , it was a show of respect because I cleaned my back side with my left hand . Each a ritual greeting but for differencing reasons .
Hate to tell you Dave, the vaccine is where you get the covid from, wake up! Us people that never took the poison jab, never get covid….you fell for the hoax/ lies and as we go thru fall you are going to find out stuff about the jab that will shake you to your core. Remember I said that…..up here 90 % of Covid cases and deaths are from the vaccinated, you have been hood winked by satanic big pharma and your government
In my part of the world the vast majority of the people that were sickened by Covid were not vaccinated it was early in the on set of Covid . Many of them died from the side effects of blood clots in the lungs , kidneys livers ect. My coworker wouldn't take the vaccine but begged for it when he was transported to Bilings just before he died . My friend , her mom and brother were antivaxxers and died of Covid just days apart from each other . Two other friends being antivaxxers are now on oxygen due to lung damage and scarring from the infections in their lungs . I have been around it as have others . Carrona viruses have been around a long time how far back has there been herpes virus in mankind ? Carrona viruses have RNA not DNA a single strand chain not a double strand chain like in our DNA . Still a protein comes into contact with our cells that causes kind of like an allergic reaction in the cell saying something is bothering me and trying to break into my core I'll cause my body to build antibodies to fight it off . oh wait I haven't seen this type of invader yet I don't know what type of antibody to make . MRNA vaccines produce a protein similar to what the virus does to get your body to produce the correct type of antibodies RNA , DNA there is a difference . Living in the United States of America we are allowed to do our own research and draw our own conclusions about things . I have been in countries where that wasn't allowed where they were under Martial Law , countries that were under Military rule and ruled by Dictators . Shortly after I was there at least 3 million people were executed by the new government because of the way they believed , millions others were imprisoned and reeducated these are proven facts . People I lived , worked with bled with shared food and hopes with were put to death for believing the way they did . I'm glad to live in this country and I do realize that most of the people in our political system come from a long line of politicians and that big money plays a huge part in buying what is in their favor . But and it is a huge But we still have a better chance at living the good life of most any other country in the world . Just take a passport and go for a few trips around the world start by heading to Central and South America . Next try Asia any place in Asia western , south , southeast . central Asia . Wonder on over to Europe and check out that part of the world . I don't know how much it's changed since I was in Asia but when I was there it was rich and poor and the poor were dirt poor slums and filth open sewage systems disease was rampant . Diseases that we were treating successfully in the United States were still killing thousands of people yearly by not being treated . In a lot of the countries I was in if you were sent to jail or prison your family was to provide for you or you died not any food clothing or medical was provided you unless it was by your family . There was still an eye for an eye written into the laws unless you were a woman then it was up to your father or husband to deal out the punishments they as woman were worth less then a farm animal . Yes we have problems in the United States . Yes the middle income class pays the lions share of the tax's . I being retired still pay more income tax then the president or any of the other politicians or any of the rich people in this country . Yes a large part of the political persons are corrupt and believe they are the elite ruling class . But I am still able to choose how I believe , I am able to read different materials not provided by just the government . I am able to study and work at the job of my deciding I can still buy and use my own firearms . I don't have to have the same car as every one else because the government said that's what I will buy if they allow me to . I can choose what clothing I wish to wear I don't have to wear the dress of the day chosen by a government official I can go to a doctor if I so choose not because I'm told to or not to . If I think I want to eat a steak for supper I can I don't have to eat rice and fish or chicken and rice or scrounge through some other countries military's scraps they threw out because they were spoiled and didn't have to worry where their next meal was coming from or I don't have to wear rags found in the dump and sandles made from old tires for foot protection . I have lived worked with and bled with these people to try and get them some semblance of what we take for granted here in this country who's eyes are closed to the truth of life in the world . Adolph Hittler was elected as was Stalin , Putin , Marcos and countless others that fed people a good line and promised them a better life . I speak from experiences that I have lived seen and studied from the past to the present . Now let us go back to hunting coyote and other four legged predators not the two legged ones that just want what they can glean from us two legged animals that they believe to be to foolish to be able to take care of ourselves or to rule our own lives or that we should be able to own our own homes and autos , firearms ect. ! My apologies to all of you and thank You for tolerating my ranting I have lived worked and been other places that still to this day make our country look like the paradise that others in the world only hope they can come to live in . Dave
Nope I studied and learned from individuals around the world . I was probably studying about the Bilderberg and Bohemian groups before you were in high school in the 60's and very early 70's I already knew the world is a cast system and saw what happens with the revolutions in the world . The same type of people float to the top and the worker is the one to pay the price . I watched as a guy named Pol Pot had millions killed . He had most of his backers killed as well the same as Putin has his killed because they , have no farther need for them and he can no longer trust them not to try to overthrow him . Just look at the history of the world governments not the published ones that the governments allow you to see but the real history . Look at Mao and what he did with his power and the people that put him there . Look at Stalin where did they go . The backers and followers ended up dead or imprisoned . Take a look at Castro and his better new Cuba . If you think it will end any differently here then there you are sadly mistaken doing the same things over and over again and hoping for a different result won't make it happen . Being radicalized and becoming a Muslim fighting the government of the country you live in doesn't mean you are right and the others are wrong . Over throwing the government and instating another one just means that a whole lot of innocents will die and suffer senselessly and the same types will still be in charge just a different bunch of them . This is allowing myself to be dragged down to a lower level of person this post has successfully been killed .
A bit off the rails maybe but far from dead Dave. We all have some deep rooted, passionate feelings and beliefs on some things. Doesn't make us wrong or right all the time. It's what makes us American, the freedom to do so. Personally, I think you're right about a few points Dave, and I also think Reemty is right on some things too. I won't go into a 3 page long discertation on my personal beliefs on the subject here but anyone who wants to know can freely PM and get them lol. I guess the moral of my point is that just because we don't agree on everything, it doesn't always make us bad people. Let's just put the last page or two under the "ramblings" part and leave it at that lol.
Please no more name calling , no more insulting and no more threats . You might try to act like a person of faith it fits people better . There is no need to act like the white hair raising from the ashes the mark will be here soon enough . You will catch more flies with honey then vinegar .
This is the only form of social media I use . I don't twitter or any of the other things availably . I did the search for your Hungarian vrs Hungarian and low birth rates some information not seen who's vax was it .