Purpose built Pronghorn rifle

Advantage to necking the 270Wby to 6.5 vs. just going .264Win?
Really not a big advantage about 2 -2.5 grains more powder and about 100 to 125 more fps with the heavy bullets about 6 one half dozen the other
7.5 years after the start of this thread, there are so many more offerings in both cartridges and bullets to specifically pursue pronghorn.

I just built a fast twist 25SST to push the 131s @ 3230fps for pronghorn next fall. Should hammer the speedgoats. Also building a 6.5SS w. 20" 1:7.5" for the 144 Hyb or 150 SMKs to use with a suppressor. Taylor and I should be set next August.

L 😇L! He might be due for a re-barrel or another project by now.
I just bedded this tonight after getting the Boyds stock in. It's a Mossberg 4x4 in 25-06 I bought ages ago to fly with deer hunting. It was cheap and if the airlines lost it, oh well. I mounted a Vortex HST 4-16 on it. Timney makes a drop-in replacement trigger for the LBAs now and that's on the way.

My dad used a 700 Mountain Rifle in 25-06 for decades to hunt blacktail with a 120gr Speer Boattail. I watched him shoot a ton of deer with it and they all dropped like a rock so I built up a load for this one years ago when I got it. Pretty solid for a rifle under $300. Hopefully I can bag a speed goat with it this year.

I just bedded this tonight after getting the Boyds stock in. It's a Mossberg 4x4 in 25-06 I bought ages ago to fly with deer hunting. It was cheap and if the airlines lost it, oh well. I mounted a Vortex HST 4-16 on it. Timney makes a drop-in replacement trigger for the LBAs now and that's on the way.
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My dad used a 700 Mountain Rifle in 25-06 for decades to hunt blacktail with a 120gr Speer Boattail. I watched him shoot a ton of deer with it and they all dropped like a rock so I built up a load for this one years ago when I got it. Pretty solid for a rifle under $300. Hopefully I can bag a speed goat with it this year.

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Nice set up, and looks like you have it dialed in. If you do you part you will be coming home with nice Goat.
I recommend 6.5 PRC for its flat trajectory and medium recoil and good barrel life so you can practice W/O working about shooting the throat of the barrel out.

The 6.5 PRC ia yet another of the new Hornady cartridges the seems to have inherent accuracy with a long neck for longer (heavier) bullets.

Eric B.
I would consider a 7mm Wea. with what ever twist you like.. Mine has a 1-10.. Last time I checked it shot 160s at just under 3250 fps.. It has been a great rifle on everything from coyotes to Moose,, Brass is easily made from 7mm RM brass..
7mm ultra shooting the 195 Berger and get it going above 3000. Not for killing power but ability to hold the wind and stupid flat trajectory. Not terrible with a brake, if you want one, in a 10 pound rifle all done. 6.5 PRC with a 143 eld x would be more than enough power however out to extended ranges and way less recoil.
I should draw this fall. There's a good chance my primary rifle will be a Kimber Montana 22-250 rebarreled w/1:8 re-contoured Brux shooting 75gn A-max @ 3250ish. I'll either top the rifle with a 3-10x42 NightForce SHV w/IHR reticle or 2.5-10x42 NXS w/MOAR reticle. IMO/IME Antelope aren't hard to kill and I really enjoy the light rifle with light recoil.

Backup rifle likely a re-barreled Kimber Montana in 270Win. 1:8 Lilja shooting 150gn ABLR @ 3050fps topped with a 2.5-10x42 NXS w/IHR Reticle.
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