Project: 6.5 Creedmoor KLR


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2019
Being down with the flu and weather being crumby, I was stuck building another fun rifle. It is a sleeper of sorts. A simple looking rem 700 short action, 24" fluted #4 contour barrel, oem camo rem adl stock, tuned up oem trigger and vortex bdc 4-16 scope. Totally boring and still needs cerakoted, but perfect for a test bed.

I wanted something that gave me creedmoor accuracy with a bit more speed. I decided to punch out a chamber with my proven 6.5 creedmoor reamer that could use virgin 260 rem brass. That gives me a 260, 30deg shoulder with a bit larger case diameter, thus more room for Powder. Think 260 terminator without the +p throat. I use my standard 6.5 cm dies and it leaves about .140" alone at the base.

I fireformed some crap 308win brass to fit to break in the barrel and try a pressure ladder. Here are the results with a 140bthp, 4831sc, f215 primers and old 308 brass.

I loaded up 50 new 260 cases with 43g 4831sc and 123 amax, 123 Lapua, 130 vld and 140 Hornady bthp to play with during fireforming. On the next nice day I'll get out and see how she shoots and post results.
Got out and did a bunch of fireforming. Tried 4 different bullets. 123 amax and 130 vld did very well. Hated 140 Hornady so I hope that changes when I resize and try and again. Not too worried since I used the same charge for everything and wolf primers. Now I can anneal, resize, trim and load for some real testing. I like it so far. More to come
You have way too many barrels laying around over're always cutting up a new chamber with some crazy idea.
So am I understanding correctly here, you just pushed the 6.5 cm reamer in farther than spec to achieve the longer case body and increase powder?
Haha I've been reading your posts and thinking the same thing! Did you recently retire and just can't stand the relaxation or what??? Lol. Definitely have some neat ideas though for sure.
Haha I've been reading your posts and thinking the same thing! Did you recently retire and just can't stand the relaxation or what??? Lol. Definitely have some neat ideas though for sure.
Was down with the flu and work has been slow since Christmas so it's a bad habit. I should finish the guest bath.... my wife is a patient woman :)
Haha so is mine. I work out of town and have been home 6 days this year... all with a 7 month old little girl at home. It's good that you're smart enough to rathole some money and stuff away to enjoy the slow times in the work cycle. Many get too comfortable and go under when the market turns. I'll go ahead and get back on topic though by saying that I've kinda always wanted a 260ai but never really had enough use for one to justify it.
Haha so is mine. I work out of town and have been home 6 days this year... all with a 7 month old little girl at home. It's good that you're smart enough to rathole some money and stuff away to enjoy the slow times in the work cycle. Many get too comfortable and go under when the market turns. I'll go ahead and get back on topic though by saying that I've kinda always wanted a 260ai but never really had enough use for one to justify it.
Not derailing to talk about time with family. My wife and I are pretty blessed. I worked too much early in life and the wife and I decided to enjoy life more after having some close friends go thru a pretty tough time.
My wife was at an auction and bought hundreds of "don't skateboard here" signs for dirt cheap. She knew I'd shoot the crap out of them :)
I was wondering what those targets were!

Also you had me borescoping a .260 shilen 26" varmint that has been sitting a few years. I do have a Creed reamer...mmm...
Nope I have to get my 7mm "***** cat" and my 6.5-06 shooting better first....

Then there is a safe full of lonely Creedmoors that don't get shot enough...oh yeh, working with a friend on a 6.5/257 Bob Ackley 40° for Rem 700. Have that caliber in a Savage 110 as my goto hunting rifle. A third one I set back and chambered from a Shaw 6.5-06 shot as well but was based on a magnum contour barrel and too heavy to hunt with. Chopped it down to 19" and set it back again as a 6.5 Creed this time. Easy job on a Savage.

Keep these ideas coming in, I love them.
I was wondering what those targets were!

Also you had me borescoping a .260 shilen 26" varmint that has been sitting a few years. I do have a Creed reamer...mmm...
Nope I have to get my 7mm "***** cat" and my 6.5-06 shooting better first....

Then there is a safe full of lonely Creedmoors that don't get shot enough...oh yeh, working with a friend on a 6.5/257 Bob Ackley 40° for Rem 700. Have that caliber in a Savage 110 as my goto hunting rifle. A third one I set back and chambered from a Shaw 6.5-06 shot as well but was based on a magnum contour barrel and too heavy to hunt with. Chopped it down to 19" and set it back again as a 6.5 Creed this time. Easy job on a Savage.

Keep these ideas coming in, I love them.
Sheesh, you're playing chess and I'm just over here playing checkers :) love hearing about other guys projects
Didn't chrono today but wanted to get the 140bthp to shoot with 4831sc. Some promising work at 200. I need to throw on a 24x scope to help. The bottom half below the line is 308 misc stuff to pass time while the rifles cooled. 47 was flattening primers but looked like promising vertical.
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