"...I have reloaded Federal brass in 243, FL sizing, up to 8 times ...."
Flat primers and incipent head seperations are effects of exccesive effective headspace caused by too much shoulder set back in FL resizing, not excessive pressure as such. "Flat" primers really don't tell anyone much about presure but expanding primer pockets sure do. 'Saving' significantly over-loaded cases with stretched pockets by using a pocket reforming tool doesn't appeal to me.
Federal cases are great for long life with normal pressures because it is a bit soft and therefore can withstand the effects of more reloading cycles before it work hardens enough to split but Fed can't take excessive pressure as long as harder cases can. I like long life and feel no need to push the pressure limits so Fereral cases work great for me. You decide what you prefer and live with the downside.
I doubt anyone thinks the OP is still checking here, these new responses are aimed at current drop-in reloaders having the same problem.