Now for the guessing. The coulds, mays, mights, and maybes...
My guess, based on that experience, is that it would require a stronger, thick-walled resizing die to withstand the expansion forces imposed on the die body. It might also require a press more on the order of a bullet manufacturing press to ensure longevity, like Corbin manufactures and sells. And it may be prone to shearing brass where high compression forces exist below the case web. A shallow entrance angle at the mouth of the die might prevent that shearing. But even then, it could require some machining cleanup of the extractor groove and case rim. But here's the biggest impediment I foresee... The extractor groove at the case head surrounds the primer pocket. This means the swage die would have nothing more than that air gap to press against, right where the maximum compression force is required to reduce the primer pocket diameter. How to overcome that, I know not...