Ballistic64, It's fine, You guys can take this any direction you want. I was just curious if this was widespread, sounds like it's not.
I personally don't care for the above mentioned store. When I go in there It's hard not to notice how green all the gun clerks are. I don't give a rats if thay are there just for a job, but when you ask a simple question and they try some BS explenation instead of saying "I don't know". Thats annoying.
They also had a sign by there Cooper rifles, "Can your varmit rifle shoot groups like that" Refering to there 50 yard factory target shot out of a vise with a 36X Leopold. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif OOOOHH I'm soooo impressed. If you ask them it was 100 yards freehand in a 20 mph wind. Not knocking Coopers. Just the stupid signs they put up. Some no nothing buys that gun puts a 3x9 on it and can barely keep them under an inch. Then what do they tell him when he returns ****ed off.