
DeSantis maybe?

What do you all think? Who would be a suitable candidate?
@ Luis,.. Yup, Tom DeSantis and the very smart, TRUE "Patriot", Peter Navarro
When, the Electoral College and the Filibuster are, GONE, so, IS, the USA as, we know,.. IT !
"They" want to, CHANGE the Constitution to, REMOVE, the 2nd Amend. So we'd best ALL, "Stick together" on THESE, main, idea's !
We may not always agree on, the best, Rifle, Caliber or, bullet to use,.. But, 99.7 % of, the Guys on "here", ARE,. smart, Freedom loving, Patriots,..
And their Word is, their, Bond !
NOPE, not wanting to ever visit, Mr. Potato, Mush for, brains ( I actually feel, a Bit Sorry for him But, he didn't have, the Sense to Retire when,..
he SHOULD, have ! ). The old Obama "Crew", is running, the Country, the WAY "They", want ( ANGRY, Sleepy Joe is, a Puppet, Figure ! )
Would love to meet, President Trump and talk to Him and his awesome, Sons, tho !
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The Democrats would have been "smart" to have RUN,.. Tulsi Gabbard !
She's, a very smart, articulate and likable Gal and IF, she DIDN'T want to, Outlaw AR's, etc, SHE would have been,.. a Winner for, THEM.
Every real Patriot in Wyoming,. better be Voting FOR,.. Harriet Hageman,..
lets get rid of,.. the Swamp, RINO,.. Liz Cheney
America's "On Fire", with Major, "Problem's" and Congress is, STILL "playing around" trying to,.. indite, Pres Trump !!!
They don't do their job (should of went after the rioters that burned and killed and crooked politicians like hillary) I don't have any respect or faith in them anymore.

They sure go after Trump tooth and nail though, he scares them.
I don't see how having electoral college votes help to save our presidential votes...correct me if I'm wrong.......

How are electoral votes determined?

The formula for determining the number of votes for each state is simple: each state gets two votes for its two US Senators, and then one more additional vote for each member it has in the House of Representatives.
1655564002019.png › elections more people in a state gives that state more 'votes'........which I don't believe they deserve.....if that's where they choose to live then 'they' better win the "1" vote per state decided by how many counties they state one vote......
No ramrodding extra electoral votes into the chance for the elected officials to change 'their votes from the popular vote determined by the popular vote cast by each legal citizen in each county'........or go back to original voting rights written in the bills/articles....
'by actual property owners'....
Which 'would exclude I am a renter of space'.......
Or remove the electoral vote altogether and go with the popular vote. It would at least allow people to see if their vote actually counts.

Not sure I am a fan of the secret ballot either. If it is open kimono, you can't ever question who wins....

As soon as you click "enter" you should see the number change. If it does not, red flags should go up.
I'd say,.. NO, NO, NO and more NO, flocking way to, the "Popular Vote", UNLESS,.. you WANT,..
California and New York to,.. OWN, You !!!
THINK,.. about,.. IT !!!
Our "System" was Designed by, the Founding Fathers, AKA,.. some VERY smart, Guys !
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EXACTLY,.. THIS,. ^^^^ There is NOTHING Wrong with,.. Our System of, Government,...
That, a couple of, GOOD, Election Cycles, ridding US of, the "Swamp Creatures" ( both, Dem's and RINO's ) ,. won't,.. FIX !
God Bless, the USA !!!
Eliminating the electoral college would eliminate states rights. It would usher in mob rule and foster corruption at the level of Cuba. There is a reason the Democrats are trying to eliminate the electoral college. It would ensure them a dictatorship.
I've heard it would require an amendment or change to our Constitution too. I'd rather not go down that path.
Eliminating the Electoral College would ensure that everyone's vote counts equally. Right now, Repubs in blue states effectively don't count. And Dems in red states don't count. Going by popular vote would ensure that everyone's vote counts equally, as it should. If you want more votes for your side, then you need to come to the table with better ideas. But really, what people want is to keep power no matter who gets the votes, as we saw on January 6, and continue to see today. It's all about power and getting what we want, period. And we wonder what's wrong with the kids today.....they learn it from the adults.