and which freedoms would i be sacrificing by allowing a federal terrorist investigation to listen in on my conversations with people overseas? do you realize they have an eye on many many more things than that? you will surely never know what they really spy in on..... and is there really a reason to be fearful unless you are guilty of aiding a terrorist action yourself? that quote was not intended to keep the feds from employing secretive tactics to intercept illegal terrorist activity. we give up NO freedoms at all by allowing them to listen in on international calls to known terrorists....... its a simple way to keep tabs on the bad guys, and had the word never gotten out about it, noone would care or be affected except the bad guys.
we have put these folks in a position of power where they can spy on anyone including us. it is noone's fault but our own. and there are much worse things they could be doing in secret that im sure ol jefferson would be a bit more agitated about. i feel no threat from any of this towards my right to protect myself and my family.
id really like to be of the priveledged few to get to know all the confidential or classified stuff that they do and know. i bet it would blow a guys mind /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
[/ QUOTE ]
Freedoms/rights same definition by me.Yes, the Homeland Security Act did flush freedoms/rights down the toilet.To me the HSA represents a much greater threat to the American citizen than it does any terrorist or terrorist organization.Anytime the feds give themselves the right to bypass a judical process it is a threat to the rights of US States and citizens.And yes,federal legislation of this type is exactly what the founders of this country feared.It just threw away another check/balance of the judical/executive branch of govrnment.
But yes,I also agree with you,its not the first and probably not the last,but I think youll find in the coming years more and more people are going to be fed up with the power abuse of the federal government.
Very soon everyone will be giving up (ok,not giving it up,but having it legislated out of existance) thier right to own a gun,whether they like it or not.The freedom/right to defend ones home and family WILL be gone.None (or not enough to matter) of the politicians in power care what thier servants will is,which is exactly what we have become.Sometime long ago,our elected officials stopped representing us and we were forced to represent them.Take it for what its worth,hopefully in ten years you can post back on here (if firearm discussion is allowed on a communication network) and tell me Im full of ****.