
The Bible says that if "Two of you agree as touching anything, it will be done of my father who is in heaven". Jesus said that. By these posts it shows that more than two of us are agreeing so, if Jesus said it, I believe it. It's His word, not mine! So, I've got to believe it's done! PERIOD! Jesus also said that ALL things are possible to him that believeth. Well, I "Believeth" and so do a lot of other folks here so, THERE YA GO!!!
As so many have stated, we serve a powerful God who looked with mercy and grace on those who were sick thru His Son, Jesus Christ. It's wonderful to be part of a shooting community who also is a believing community. I'll be sharing the request with my prayer group who meets tonight. We've experienced the healing power of Jehovah Rapha in the past weeks and will hold this request up to Him tonight.
I have a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
In the Holy Glorious Sacred Sovereign Name of Yeshua Hamashiach Christopher is healed and restored completely.
According to 1 Peter 2:24 and Isaiah 53:4-6
I have a a good friend who's son is undergoing stomach cancer surgery today. Christopher Michael Murtha in his early 30's is going through a rough time . Please pray for him and his mother Joanna that they get through this with the lords help.
Absolutely what a wonderful request. Our heavenly father will certainly reward His children with the things that are good for us and according to HIS Purposes. Please MAY the LORDS will be done, is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Thanks for the opportunity, you are a great friend and we are all fortunate and grateful for you.
My daughter could use some prayers since she's dealing with neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer that has engulfed her liver. Started chemo meds last week. She's in really bad shape today.
The neuroendocrine type of cancer is more treatable than other forms of pancreatic cancer but it's still bad.
She is married and has two boys, 3 and 7.
Praying for your family, God bless you.

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