Midway employs many American workers, has a huge warehouse and overhead, helps pay benefits for their employees, offers free shipping many times, ships fast, prices are fair but they may not be the best. I've seen numerous mom and pop gun shops posting their products on gunbroker at outrageous prices but I have a choice to not buy from them. Due to the lack of inventory many firearms businesses are struggling as their shelves are empty of the popular accessories. I don't mind paying a little extra to help my local shop stay in business and I don't mind paying a little extra to some of the online retailers I do business with. I don't see anyone complaining when they put items on clearance and you get them at %50 off or more, scopes, rings, rails, hunting clothing, etc..... if you don't like the price then don't buy it but if the price is fair is it good to come on here and start bashing them or complaining. Pass.