Casey's son has said it shatters the world record. Free range elk. Washington Governor's tag so I'm sure he paid plenty. He has its sheds from last year so he's been after this bull for awhile. Casey is the ultimate big bull killer. I don't think anyone can touch his resume. Of the 86 bull elk he has killed, I think this is his 12th bull over 400. So that's No 1, 2, 3 and 6 place Pope and Young bulls all time. DIY too! Impressive!
Are you saying all of these are DIY?
Nice and Big, but doesn't strike me as even close to the World Record, hard to tell in pics though. I'll just wait to see the BC score sheet. Gonna take a lot to beat the Spider Bull.
Spider Bull is 476"? And taken with a rifle. This blows away the archery record and beats spider bull as well. The score sheet is out there for public to view.
How the !@#$ do people draw that many tags? Hell, I have been trying for 15 years to draw a tag 🤷‍♂️
From my understanding it was a raffle tag and not even the governor's tag. Regardless it was put to good use!
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What strikes me as odd is that this bull is not broken at all…usually by December points are broken. Great bull, looks like a high fence harvest…not passing judgement, just calling it the way I see it🤷‍♂️
Majority of the state is special draw for bulls. So if you do draw, there's a lot of public area that doesn't get hunted much. I have a hunch the general area this bull was. And there's been some big ones historically in that unit. Not even sure if there's such thing as a high fence in Washington 🤣

which is probably why it was tracked for years leading up to this. Yes anybody can video and get sheds of this bull, but doesn't mean you'll ever get the chance to hunt it.
86 bulls is averaging 2.1+ archery bulls a year for 40 years!! With a bow! Dedication and hard work at the very least.
That's why I don't understand any pushback from the jealous people on this. This is truly a guy who loves what he does. Sure he's loaded…think he was born with that money in his pocket? You think he has the gram and social media when he was stacking bulls how many years ago? Haters gonna hate, the rest of us will laugh at those haters 🤣