Lazzeroni World Record 1,000 Yards

That is excellent shooting for the Tucson Rifle Club range. Ross must have had first relay. It gets windy out there most days. I sent the article to Dan R. who shot against Ross in recent years. Dan has been busy the last year getting a national board certification so he missed witnessing this event.

I noticed the article misspelled Tucson...

Ross L.
AZshooter ,,,,,,

you are so right ,,,, Tucson 1,000 matches are tougher than most because of the wind ,,,,,

I think the range at Raton NM also has some of the same issues ,,,,

I look forward to shooting with you guys again on the 9th ,,,,,,,,,,,
Different clubs different rules Williamsport 1K Records are 10 Shot.

Light gun 3.505"

Heavy gun 2.815"

Both shot with 300 WSM's
rimfire ,,,,,

10 shots in the "light" gun class also where you shoot ? ,,,,,,

I think the world record that was set with the Lazz Patriot was a 3 relay group aggregate ,,,, not just one group ,,,,,,

I also talked with the shooter and he claims he is getting 35+ firings out of the Lazz Patriot brass cases ,,,,,,

I do not know when and if he is annealing the necks ,,,,,,
I shot this morning at 1,000 yards with the Saguaro bench rest group here in Tucson ,,,, a great pleasure to be back with these guys ,,,,, except for my shooting which was ho-hum at best !! LOL ,,,,,

I shot factory loaded Lazzeroni ammo... in both the 7.21 Firebird and 7.82 Warbird calibers ,,,,

my best 3-shot group was 9" @ 1K Yards using the 139gr unleaded LazerHead load ,,,, next month I will be shooting some 230gr Bergers in the Warbird to get back in the groove out there,,,,,,,

a great big thank you to all that participated out there this morning ,,,,,,


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