Pending 600 yard world record.

Burris Signature Rings, I never would have guessed that.

Sets the barrel back after 600-700 rounds on a 6 dasher, wow.

Very humbling story :) & my hats off to the gent.

I've read good things about Brux barrels, and Bartlien, and Kreiger.
What I can say is my Kreiger is the easiest cleaning barrel I think I have ever used, and is on the most accurate long range rifle I've had.

Len, am I to understand you use Brux in your line of rifles sold here on LRH? I fear one of these days an extra few grand is going to appear in my account, coinciding with my perceived need for a .338 Edge just when you happen to have one in stock...
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Congratulations Rodney,aka eggman. Rodney is almost always in the winner circle so this record comes as no great surprise.
Someone posted earlier about high tech equipment...Rodney does his own barrel work on an old nearly worn out Southbend heavy 10L. Mike Davis and Jerry Sharrett taught him the process.

Helluva group and a 50 score!

Well done Rodney

Thanks guys for the kind words and I would have jumped in sooner but I've been kinda overwhelmed from all the attention from breaking this record (pending) . It means a lot to me coming from you guys though .
All I can say is that everything came together for just a moment in time to make this group possible. I had a Brux barrel that was showing real promise, a match proven lot of Berger 108 BT bullets and had developed a load using Varget and CCI 450 primers that I thought would be good for the temps we were to be expecting at the match Saturday and had a good nights sleep before so like I said everything just came together I guess ...for one target anyway .

Congrats Rodney!

If I hadn't seen the picture with my own eyes I would have never believed it was possible!

Well done!
Thanks guys for the kind words and I would have jumped in sooner but I've been kinda overwhelmed from all the attention from breaking this record (pending) . It means a lot to me coming from you guys though .
All I can say is that everything came together for just a moment in time to make this group possible. I had a Brux barrel that was showing real promise, a match proven lot of Berger 108 BT bullets and had developed a load using Varget and CCI 450 primers that I thought would be good for the temps we were to be expecting at the match Saturday and had a good nights sleep before so like I said everything just came together I guess ...for one target anyway .


Congrats Rodney! Your humility speaks of great commitment to a long pursuit of excellence and dedication to your skill development.

While you have superb equipment, your results @ 600yds is like telling an excellent photographer they have a great camera so of course their photo's are great.

Well done and again, congratulations on your victory.
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