Pack weight?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2014
Hi, I'm just sorting out my gear for a three day two night hunt, I'll be hunting from the bush line out on to the tops (Paparoas mountain range, west coast, south island, NZ.) Now how ever much I try I cannot seemed to get my total pack weight down below 45LB (20.5Kgs) that is everything, just wondering what your thoughts are on the matter.
Hi, I'm just sorting out my gear for a three day two night hunt, I'll be hunting from the bush line out on to the tops (Paparoas mountain range, west coast, south island, NZ.) Now how ever much I try I cannot seemed to get my total pack weight down below 45LB (20.5Kgs) that is everything, just wondering what your thoughts are on the matter.

Well, not quite sure what all you are carrying but for reference, my pack for that length of hunt would be at about 30 pounds.

Forty-five pounds is about what I carry. What are you doing for water? What are you carrying for food?
For only two nights I could definitely get my gear down pretty light, probably down to about 35. Although, my pack weight is totally dependent on the type of hunt I'm going on. If I'm setting up a base camp somewhere on the mountain I bring in the kitchen sink. if I want my camp to be mobile then I am very careful to be as light as possible.

And I am assuming there is some kind of creek or river where you'll be able to pump water from. If you have to carry water with you, then that will add up real fast.
The single heaviest thing I carry is usually water. There have been times that I have carries up to 24 pounds of water due to lack of Ability to resupply. If fresh water is available than I carry a lot less. Katadyne makes great filters at reasonable prices.
When it comes to food, most caloric dense meals are also very heavy in weight. MREs are great for calories, but very bulky and heavy. Mountain house backpacking meals are lightweight but not enough calories in a serving. Plan on buying the double serving portions. One thing you can add to these types of meals to increase calorie intake is coconut oil. Coconut oil can be messy to work with, so just put it in a good container. Another light weight yet very caloric food is snickers bars. 2 bars a day at 270 cal a piece helps for sustainment.
I'll echo what 82nd said. I think people also tend to get into a mode and bring every "just in-case" item they own.

Are you counting your rifle weight in that total lbs count?

Places I cut weight since my first backpack hunting trip are...
Rain gear...I go light weight over quiet. I like Kryptek Poseidon
Ammo...I dont take a full box me. Ten Rounds.
Food...One meal per day. Plus snacks
Knives...I take a havelon and a Multi-tool
Clothes....Ultra light weight walk in gear, then what you will hunt in. You dont need a fresh set of clothes each day. Youre gonna smell like crap no matter what.
Tent....Light weight tents are a must and there are tons of options.

Also, I think it is a must to hunt with a buddy. Not only for safety, but to split up things like tent, stove, water pump.

With Rifle on my back, my pack is about 35lbs.
My pack weight does not include rifle,I consider that I only carry enough essential equipment to be able to hunt safely.
I spent the winter gathering ultra light gear. I weighed my setup yesterday for an upcoming 3night trip the scale tipped at 19.5 lbs and that includes everything except water. On a hunting trip I would have to add rifle, optics, tripod and ammo. By the way in my set up I have room to cut at least 2 pounds if I remove a couple of items like my spot or my water pump
I spent the winter gathering ultra light gear. I weighed my setup yesterday for an upcoming 3night trip the scale tipped at 19.5 lbs and that includes everything except water. On a hunting trip I would have to add rifle, optics, tripod and ammo. By the way in my set up I have room to cut at least 2 pounds if I remove a couple of items like my spot or my water pump

Can you write up your gear list that includes everything in your 19.5 pounds? Would be interesting to see your personal choice for what you bring and what you choose to leave at home.

Kuiu Ultra 6000

Sitka Gear Kelvin coat

Light pair of Red Head Gloves

Merino wool beanie

Small first aid kit

Water proof matches and water proof container

Petroleum jelly coated cotton balls

Very small bag of dry kindling and dryer lint

Small head light (Pez I think)

NAP cable saw

Buck PAK LITE skinner

Kadyn hiker water purifier pump without bag or extra tubing/attachments (may chose not to use this)

Spot satellite tracker (may decide not to use this)

Eureka Casper 15 deg bag (3 lbs with comp sack)

Easton Kilo 1 man tent without sacks

Thermarest Neo Air sleeping pad

Cabelas back packing pillow without stuff sack

Mountain House meals for breakfast and supper (this can change somewhat)

5 Cliff Bars, 4 kind plus bars, 3 raw evolution food bars, 1 wheaties fuel bar, 2 pouches of Justins Clasic almond butter, 3 Ultima replenisher envelpoes, EmergenC packs, 4 maxwell house coffee bags, 1 bag of venison jerky, 2 bagels

2 Pairs of socks

Short tooth brush with almost empty tooth paste tube

Prescription meds, Benadryl, pain reliever, Imodium, allergy pills, all in small bag

Titanium cook pot

110 g butane canister and small butane stove wrapped in paper towels instead of plastic case

1 plastic spork

1 towel

Baby wipes

Emergency blanket (can be used as tarp, signal mirror, rain cover, and shelter)

Parachute cord
Almost forgot....packable rain gear
Wyodog, I need to be able to hunt when I reach the Tops which means binoculars, tripod, range finder,anemometer,Knife,gun care kit,and camera I'm sure I've missed a number of other things but just adding up those few items theirs a few pounds?
Wyodog, I need to be able to hunt when I reach the Tops which means binoculars, tripod, range finder,anemometer,Knife,gun care kit,and camera I'm sure I've missed a number of other things but just adding up those few items theirs a few pounds?

Agreed machiaveli, I stated in a prior post that may pack weight did not included those items, which I think is the only effective way to talk about pack weight because of all the variables that happen with personal choices on weapons, optics, water etc. thee is a huge difference in weight between my longrange rifle, compound bow and long bow (18 0z) ammo weight changes by caliber as well. there are other items that I didn't mention that in the pack as well. I think I could swap my spot and water filer for a nearly even weight with a camera and range finder. Some times I carry a spotting scope and sometimes I don't. I always carry a tripod and binoculars. I could weight those items if someone was interested in the outcome. I could also drop a pound or more if I used a down sleeping bag
Some of the items I didn't mention are; duct tape, map cut to get rid of the parts I don't need, zip ties. I also didn't have the game bags in the pack when I weighed it but they are only a few ozs changes with species I am hunting. my pack weight did include a knife "Buck Lite Skinner". I do carry a wind speed indicator as well.I also use a Leica 1600B rangefinder. my gun kit for back packing consist of a bore snake and barrel condom. I don't always take the barrel snake.
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