Kuiu Ultra 6000
Sitka Gear Kelvin coat
Light pair of Red Head Gloves
Merino wool beanie
Small first aid kit
Water proof matches and water proof container
Petroleum jelly coated cotton balls
Very small bag of dry kindling and dryer lint
Small head light (Pez I think)
NAP cable saw
Buck PAK LITE skinner
Kadyn hiker water purifier pump without bag or extra tubing/attachments (may chose not to use this)
Spot satellite tracker (may decide not to use this)
Eureka Casper 15 deg bag (3 lbs with comp sack)
Easton Kilo 1 man tent without sacks
Thermarest Neo Air sleeping pad
Cabelas back packing pillow without stuff sack
Mountain House meals for breakfast and supper (this can change somewhat)
5 Cliff Bars, 4 kind plus bars, 3 raw evolution food bars, 1 wheaties fuel bar, 2 pouches of Justins Clasic almond butter, 3 Ultima replenisher envelpoes, EmergenC packs, 4 maxwell house coffee bags, 1 bag of venison jerky, 2 bagels
2 Pairs of socks
Short tooth brush with almost empty tooth paste tube
Prescription meds, Benadryl, pain reliever, Imodium, allergy pills, all in small bag
Titanium cook pot
110 g butane canister and small butane stove wrapped in paper towels instead of plastic case
1 plastic spork
1 towel
Baby wipes
Emergency blanket (can be used as tarp, signal mirror, rain cover, and shelter)
Parachute cord
Almost forgot....packable rain gear