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A couple of years ago my son did a school project on the eastern coyote and while doing research he found wildlife biologists reports that termed the phrase "Coydog" because it was determined through the DNA of trapped coyotes that they cross breeding with domestic dogs.

I live in a rural area of Rhode Island, and we do have our share of coyotes in our county. There's a local farmer who hunts coyote on his property and I had the opportunity to see one of the coyotes that he'd shot on his farm, the animal certainly had the markings of a German Shepard and easily was the size of a Shepard. No DNA testing, however a local game warden stated that the state does have Coydogs.
Wolves kill yotes. Thats a yote for sure.

You got to take what the people that test them say with a grain of salt for sure. After all we share a lot of DNA with rats........ And 90 something of our DNA is supposed to be ape..... LOL Get the picture.

What are Dogs? why their canines. What are wolves?? Why their canines. What are yotes?? why their canines.. No wonder they share some of the same DNA. I would be willing to venture that if you took a Australian dingo and tested it they could say the same thing for it.
I have a 68 lb. Coywolf mounted that I shot in 2003. It was shot in Greenfield Township, PA. The Pennsylvania Game Commission estimates that 70% of the Coyotes in Erie County, PA have the Wolf gene in them. Yes wolves will kill every Coyote unless it is a female in heat. Then they will breed with them. When Lake Erie freezes the Coyotes cross over here from Canada since we have no wolves in Pennsylvania.
Hey guys! I'm definitely not a diehard coyote hunter.....only killed a couple because the opportunities presented themselves, but I've never seen a coyote that looked quite like this one. A buddy of mine sent me this picture taken on his farm recently. Any cross-breeding with a domestic dog possibly present here?
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That's definitely a codog.
Hey guys! I'm definitely not a diehard coyote hunter.....only killed a couple because the opportunities presented themselves, but I've never seen a coyote that looked quite like this one. A buddy of mine sent me this picture taken on his farm recently. Any cross-breeding with a domestic dog possibly present here?
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My opinion is that this is crossbreed with a German Shepherd. It can and does happen. That black saddle is why I feel this way about it. You can send the 2 cents via paypal.
Hey guys! I'm definitely not a diehard coyote hunter.....only killed a couple because the opportunities presented themselves, but I've never seen a coyote that looked quite like this one. A buddy of mine sent me this picture taken on his farm recently. Any cross-breeding with a domestic dog possibly present here?
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....there are thousands of coyo-dogs born in the Americas every year. But I think in this case everyone is more focused on the question than the picture......80 or even 100% of the black on this coyotes back is shadow from the tree the camera is attached to,....lol
I have a 68 lb. Coywolf mounted that I shot in 2003. It was shot in Greenfield Township, PA. The Pennsylvania Game Commission estimates that 70% of the Coyotes in Erie County, PA have the Wolf gene in them. Yes wolves will kill every Coyote unless it is a female in heat. Then they will breed with them. When Lake Erie freezes the Coyotes cross over here from Canada since we have no wolves in Pennsylvania.

Do you have a picture of the mount? I would love to see it. I am not saying they will not or can not cross breed. Most All canine's can cross breed. After all they are canines. We used to raise wolves and they ranged from pure to to crossed with different dogs. They interesting thing is you could tell the ones crossed even when it was mostly wolf. You cant hid the dog trait at all. Even when crossing with a wolf with a dog that has wolf in it's breeding. There's to much differences for them to come out looking like a wolf.

Wolves and Dogs and Coyote all look different. Yes they can look somewhat alike. But they are completely different when you look at them. They may even share some of the same coat patterns. But its still different.

As a side note. If those coyotes (that are part wolf) are crossing in from Canada. Then you would have wolves to. They are some of the biggest travelers in the canine Family. They get around big time.

After all they claim all yotes in the east are crossed with wolf and dog. BUT the interesting thing is. Places that have studied into it say they are not breeding in the wild. BUT are crosses from years ago. Kind of like are crosses today. People take animals into captivity and cross them. They same place went on to say there is no such thing as a coywolf. Since ALL eastern coyotes are a mix of Dog and wolf and coyote. I will say this. Eastern Coyotes are not cookie cutter stamped like they are out here. They are to many that look like Dog but then you get the ones that look like a normal coyote.

Per there study. Coyotes in the Northeast are mostly (60%-84%) coyote, with lesser amounts of wolf (8%-25%) and dog (8%-11%). Start moving south or east and this mixture slowly changes. Virginia animals average more dog than wolf (85%:2%:13% coyote:wolf:dog) while coyotes from the Deep South had just a dash of wolf and dog genes mixed in (91%:4%:5% coyote:wolf:dog). Tests show that there are no animals that are just coyote and wolf (that is, a coywolf), and some eastern coyotes that have almost no wolf at all.

Knowing how messed up all there studies are. Its hard for me to believe one way or another. Two places can do the same study and say two different things.

Either way. Its still of the canine family. And should be treated as such :D
Kill it and test its dna...bet it comes back with human contamination......

Also....have any of you ever seen a different color phase deer.....not all critters live in the sun to become faded or blondes....some stay in the timber and keep darker colors....
Kill it and test its dna...bet it comes back with human contamination......

Also....have any of you ever seen a different color phase deer.....not all critters live in the sun to become faded or blondes....some stay in the timber and keep darker colors....
That is a coy dog period!! I agree kill it and test it
My son's yellow lab is a coy dog....
Just eats more often...takes more comfortable naps by the fireplace on a bed..less exercise..and doesn't have to fight the outside elements......oh yeah...hes yellow......lol....
Hey guys! I'm definitely not a diehard coyote hunter.....only killed a couple because the opportunities presented themselves, but I've never seen a coyote that looked quite like this one. A buddy of mine sent me this picture taken on his farm recently. Any cross-breeding with a domestic dog possibly present here?
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Hey Deputy I shot 1 two weeks ago that LQQKS almost identical to the one in your post. I've attached 2 pictures of it for viewing. 1 Dead in the trunk, another Skinned out draped over my backyard fence. Markings are ERRILY SIMILAR to that of a GERMAN SHEPARD, but make NO MISTAKE by the heads bone structure, that is 100% YOTE! ONLY GOOD YOTE. IS A DEAD YOTE!


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Hey Deputy I shot 1 two weeks ago that LQQKS almost identical to the one in your post. I've attached 2 pictures of it for viewing. 1 Dead in the trunk, another Skinned out draped over my backyard fence. Markings are ERRILY SIMILAR to that of a GERMAN SHEPARD, but make NO MISTAKE by the heads bone structure, that is 100% YOTE! ONLY GOOD YOTE. IS A DEAD YOTE!

Do your neighbors like your lawn decorations!??:p;):D:D
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