Stock opinions, please!

Hey guys, do the Boyd stocks have an aluminum CNC piece glued in them that the action bolts too?? most of the composite stocks do.
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The ones I have do not but they now have an aluminum pillar option offered when you set up the stock you want on their web site .
I like the Boyds stocks well and am a fan of pillar bedding any stock even the synthetic stocks except the ones that have the aluminum bedding blocks but they will also benefit from a good bedding job . It helps to keep the action bolts ( screws ) properly torqued as well as the action and barrel where they should be . That's just me because my rifles get used hard and sadly I abuse them by carrying them in the truck and field . They may go from below zero to 80 degrees F in an hour or less then back down to what the outside temp. is when they leave the truck . As we all know when you carry a rifle in a gun rack they take a lot of vibrations when driving and that in it's self is hard on every part of the rifle system . So with that in mind I myself would go the least expensive but most durable route . I have an over head rifle rack so they are out of sight and they stay in my truck not a rifle case so that I can get to them when needed .
Reemty , I put a Boyds At - 1 on a remington 308 a couple of years ago , I bought bottom metal from Red Hawk installed pillars in the stock and glass bedded the action full length worked up a load for it shot it a few times then gave it to my Grandson . I don't have any need for the plastic stocks and haven't since I first saw them on a Ruger M-77 years back . They have way too much give in them and you can't get bedding to adhere to them pluss they shrink or grow with temp. changes a lot .
RJ, the Boyd's are very strong and heavier than the B&C. I've bedded over a dozen Boyd's which all very much needed it. Like the option of ordering pillars. My son and grandson both have rifles with Boyd's. Nice stocks and less $$$ than the B&C if you want frugality.
Magpul pro series seems to be a nice option. My local Scheels had one that was a folder for $650 on clearance. It was tempting. but I did not have a rem sa at the time.
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