opinions needed

.243 vs 6.5x284

  • .243

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • 6.5x284

    Votes: 30 76.9%

  • Total voters
Exactly what MudRunner 2005 said

"6.5-284 gets my vote. More pop than .243, heavier & higher BC bullets, 1K yard hunting capabilities, and it's ballistically superior to the .243.

Don't get me wrong, .243 in a great round, but I wouldn't shoot at a deer more than 500 yards away with one. Lots of folks have shot deer out to 1K with a 6.5-284."
Don't overlook the 6.5 Creedmoor. I just started shooting mine last month and I love it! It goes 1000 yds better than a .308 with less recoil. Would be an excellent deer and antelope or sheep gun. I plan to use it on coyotes as well. 142 grain Sierra at 2760, three shot groups at 200 yds in .5 inches. Good luck with your choice!
If you have a SA, look also at the .260, it has a little more room for powder so you can squeek out a few more FPS over the Creed, but the Creed is shorter overall so you can seat bullets out a bit further, but that is dependent on your chamber as well.

I'd say if you don't reload, go with the 6.5 Creed (and get into reloading soon)
If you reload and have a SA, go with the .260
If you reload and have a LA, go with the 6.5x284 (and when shot out, go to a straight 284).. that's my plan.
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