Zeiss V6 line of Optics - opinions needed

Yeah i just didn't think it would be that drastic. I went 3B on that gun with that intention specifically to give a little weight for suppressed shooting. Muzzles finishes at .730 on a 26" blank it's nearing .800 at 23"
With a 3B that does seem a bit unusual, but it could be the suppressor, and not the barrel...

Sometimes I often wonder if the baffles in multi-baffle stack-style suppressors might be welded or aligned slightly off, causing the propellant gasses to exit each baffle as the bullet passes through it, at a slightly off pattern, causing the bullets to yaw as they pass through the can, and as it exits the muzzle, causing an exaggerated POI shift...

If my theory holds water, then that means that flow-pattern tested precision-machined monocore baffle suppressors should not have this exaggerated shift. I wonder if anyone has tested this theory?
I just bought a V6 although I haven't physically seen one yet. I was going to buy a 3.5-15x50 NSX but then noticed a V4 in the counter so I had a look at that while I was there. I couldn't believe how lightweight they are so I started to research the V6.

I'd like to be able to see the difference in optical quality between the V6 and the VX6HD but I doubt I'd be able to. I have a couple Swaro Z3's, Zeiss HD5, Leupold VX3i and a couple Conquests and I lined them all up just before dark one night and couldn't tell the difference between any of them so it's likely I'd never notice a difference.

I like the turrets on the NSX and V6 more than on the VX6 so that was why I went with the V6. Ive owned several Swarovski, Zeiss, and Leupold scopes and never had a problem with any of them yet so between them it's just a matter of available features compared to what I'm after at the time.

While researching the V6 I came across this guy's video, he spoke directly with Zeiss and shares some of what he found out during his conversation, you may find this helpful.

If Leupold could fix the turrets on the vx6hd it would be my go to if they offered it in Mil. Of course you can get them in mil from the custom shop and limited runs. But I'd want turrets comparable to the mark 5. Then again the mark 5 is so lightweight dunno that I'd bother going with the VX6HD. It's hard for me to get away from mil/mil ffp optics. Between the mark 5, vx6hd, and vx5hd though I'd probably be Leupold if i was really trying to stay lightweight. Just really like the most recent offerings Leupold has put out. Just needs better turrets.
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