OK, My turn on the 6.5 Creedmoor

Why would I load to SAAMI spec length? Why not just load to the same length off the lands for each? Every chamber is cut differently, therefore the only fair way is to seat the bullets the same distance off the lands, that way it's equal.

If the same accuracy is not achievable for magnum cartridges as it is non-magnums, then why have magnums always, and continue to, put down record groups at 1,000 and beyond in comps?
Well saami length does set the length of freebore which in my mind is part of the standard cartridge set up, but set the bullets at the same jump, see what you come up with.
It's not the round at all... It's what it has become, and the fact that people believe it's magical.

BS! If this was Remington enjoying the success you won't have the same hatred. And why does it matter to you if people think of it as magical. If it works for them so be it. Move on!
I mean for real. Yeah people love the 6.5 creed and yes some people hate it. Whatever, all I know is that everygun I own I bought and paid for. So honestly like most of the members on here the caliber bashing really has zero effect! When someone else pays for all my gear I might listen I guess!! Lol
BS! If this was Remington enjoying the success you won't have the same hatred. And why does it matter to you if people think of it as magical. If it works for them so be it. Move on!
Ahh, welcome back Ed, just the man I was expecting to see to spice this thread back up once it was being civilized, and having a logical discussion about inherent accuracy, now we can revert back to the crap-flinging about the CM... :rolleyes:

So, to answer your question... Actually I would. I have no issue with Hornady, or the cartridge itself. I use some of their equipment, and still have some of their factory Match ammo, and lots of their older Match .308 brass that is quite high-quality.

Why does it matter to me if people think it's magical? Well, because false imformation seems to spread at a much faster rate than the truth. And this site is about facts and factual information for guns and long range hunting...Otherwise, we'd be no better off than some of the other forums out there allowing the spread of BS. As people who know better, we should ALL be trying to combat the BS in this sport, there's enough of it out there as it is, why help empower it? That's no better than the liberals empowering the weak-minded college kids with safe spaces, instead of telling them to sack-up and be an adult, and accept reality. Because the real world doesn't give a crap about your feelings. They're setting them up to fail. Just like if someone thinks that the 6.5CM is equal to a .300WM because of what they were told or what they heard, and tries to use it the same way, they've been setup for failure from the beginning with false information, and it's only going to end in disappointment.

If it works, it works, I don't care if someone shoots it or not. I've stated many times I don't give a crap about the cartridge itself, or if people use it...It's just the false info being spread about it. So, you can either A) stop antagonizing me about my own personal opinions, or B) continue to make yourself look petty. The choice is your's.
Ahh, welcome back Ed, just the man I was expecting to see to spice this thread back up once it was being civilized, and having a logical discussion about inherent accuracy, now we can revert back to the crap-flinging about the CM... :rolleyes:

So, to answer your question... Actually I would. I have no issue with Hornady, or the cartridge itself. I use some of their equipment, and still have some of their factory Match ammo, and lots of their older Match .308 brass that is quite high-quality.

Why does it matter to me if people think it's magical? Well, because false imformation seems to spread at a much faster rate than the truth. And this site is about facts and factual information for guns and long range hunting...Otherwise, we'd be no better off than some of the other forums out there allowing the spread of BS. As people who know better, we should ALL be trying to combat the BS in this sport, there's enough of it out there as it is, why help empower it? That's no better than the liberals empowering the weak-minded college kids with safe spaces, instead of telling them to sack-up and be an adult, and accept reality. Because the real world doesn't give a crap about your feelings. They're setting them up to fail. Just like if someone thinks that the 6.5CM is equal to a .300WM because of what they were told or what they heard, and tries to use it the same way, they've been setup for failure from the beginning with false information, and it's only going to end in disappointment.

If it works, it works, I don't care if someone shoots it or not. I've stated many times I don't give a crap about the cartridge itself, or if people use it...It's just the false info being spread about it. So, you can either A) stop antagonizing me about my own personal opinions, or B) continue to make yourself look petty. The choice is your's.

You obviously have more time to waste than I do. If you truly don't give a crap about it why do you keep reiterating. Carry on!
My Creed has sparkles coming off it like Tinkerbells wand, my powder RL26 is made with pixie dust and unicorn horn giving me velocity of 2900 fps with my magic bullet that works from 2900 to 1300 fps! ‍♀️ ⚡️Mud seriously I cant explain it, we have 3 CM in the family all shoot anything we load or buy better than anything else Ive ever had! And I have had many calibers but never had 3 different guns shoot this good of the same caliber! I think it might partly be the fact guns now are just built to better specs and more accurate at this time along with the ammo! 6.5 CM is a very nice shootable cartridge and makes me smile every shot! When people cant explain how and why its so accurate, they resort to calling it magic! ‍♀️♂️
You obviously have more time to waste than I do. If you truly don't give a crap about it why do you keep reiterating. Carry on!
Because you keep antagonizing me by dragging it up specifically with my posts...So, who has more time to waste? I purposefully ignore you so as not to interact with you, but you willfully continue to follow me around and make snarky comments about things I say, and make passive/aggressive comments aimed at me, just so I'll comment. And then when I confront you about it, you try to act like you're the bigger man, and you don't know what's going on. Take your own advice and be humble.
Because you keep antagonizing me by dragging it up specifically with my posts...So, who has more time to waste? I purposefully ignore you so as not to interact with you, but you willfully continue to follow me around and make snarky comments about things I say, and make passive/aggressive comments aimed at me, just so I'll comment. And then when I confront you about it, you try to act like you're the bigger man, and you don't know what's going on. Take your own advice and be humble.

So when I call your BS out it's called antagonizing, or that just only applies to me? Me calling you out does not mean I am not humble. I do not need attention like you do.
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